Principal's Report

Michelle Mackenlay

Updating our ROSE Cottage

Mrs Steckyj, our Art teacher, has been working with some of our Year 6 students to design and paint a mural on the Rose.

The mural design was made in collaboration with 3 groups of students in Year 6.  They all used Procreate (a digital painting app) to design a mural on a photo of The ROSE and I took the main elements from each of them to combine it into the mural that is being painted currently. 


The mural encompasses features from our traditional Bunurong lands, Clyde history and the Clyde area. The students used this brief to come up with the features of the Mana Gum and it’s flowers, the creek running through Clyde, a nod to the farming of the area, the wattle tree, the Clyde railway line, a cockatoo, the sun with the aboriginal flag within it and a symbol of the world with two people on it in traditional Aboriginal colours. 


Below are some photos (scroll across) of the students creating their designs and painting the mural. We are so proud of our students and Mrs Steckyj for the amazing effort that has gone into its creation. 

Year 6 Fundraising

This year, along with our Graduation Ceremony (12th December), our Year 6 students will also be visiting Gumbuya World for their Big Day Out on 19th December.  Over the next few months, we are planning some fundraising activities to help them cover the cost of the day. 

This term we are planning the following fundraising activities for the whole school:

Slinky Apples - 50c per slinky apple - look out for Compass notifications


Whole School Pyjama Day:  Gold coin donation on Wednesday 5th June


Please help support our Year 6 students so they can celebrate their Primary School years and go out with a BANG!



Swimming Programs 2024

Our swimming program at Clyde Primary School is changing this year.  This year we are trialling some of our swimming lessons and events at new venues and will only offer lessons biannually, so if your child's year level does not attend this year, they will in odd years. There will also be some further water based activities, such as Aquatic Fun Days and Life Saving Days. Through programs such as these, our students will learn lifelong skills about being safe around water, and where and when to swim safely.


Lost Property

We have quite a few un-named items of clothing in lost property, which are the baskets located in the main corridor, entry is via the student door to sick bay.  Please label your child’s jumpers so that if they are misplaced, we can return them to the right owner. During the colder months, we end up with a lot of jumpers, as students tend to wear them in the cold morning and take them off as they warm up later in the day.  Jumpers are the most important item to label. 

We also have a Year 5 student who has recently lost a purple and black basketball at school.  If your child has accidentally brought this home, could you please return it to the office as soon as possible.


Cross Country Update

After a terrific effort at the recent District Cross Country, we have 4 students progressing to the next level, to compete against other students from the broader Division Level.

We wish Ethan G, Dom L, Namo P and Carter W the best of luck for next Wednesday, when they compete at Toomuc Reserve in Pakenham.

Bike Sheds

We have 2 bike sheds at our school. Recently, we have noticed that the one closest to the office is overflowing, and the one out near the Music room is empty. Today we have put up new signage to signify that the:

  • shed closest to the front gate is for our Junior school F-3 students.
  • shed near the Music room is for students from Years 4-6.

It is terrific to see so many people making the choice to be actively coming to school on bikes and scooters, which reduces the traffic congestion around our school.  When I stand on the front gate in the mornings, I'm also very pleased to see our students wearing helmets and being courteous to pedestrians.  The new expectations/signage comes into place on Monday.


Enrolments for 2025

To start primary school in 2025, your child will need to turn 5 years old by 30 April 2025. Schooling is compulsory for children who have turned 6 years old.

If your child is starting Foundation (Prep) in 2025, you are able to apply to enrol at our school from now until Friday 26th July. Please contact the school office on 5998 5293 or via email



 Reminder of Student Free Day

Our next Curriculum Day is Friday 7th June

just before the King's Birthday Public Holiday. 

Teachers will be working on student assessment 

and reporting.





Principal's Awards - Congratulations.!.

Dave - Year 3
Poppy - Year 6
Maddie - Year 2
Ava - Year 4
Miley - Year 5
Rajvir - Foundation
Gursift - Year 1
Dave - Year 3
Poppy - Year 6
Maddie - Year 2
Ava - Year 4
Miley - Year 5
Rajvir - Foundation
Gursift - Year 1


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