Years 7-9 Coordinator

Jade Nicholls 

7-9 Key Dates: 


Fri26thHouse Cross Country 1.45pm Start


Thurs2ndMother’s Day Fete 
Fri17thNCD Cross Country
Tues28thLMR Cross Country
Mon10thKing’s Birthday (PUBLIC HOLIDAY)

House Athletics

Last Day of Term 3

Shortened Week

With our shortened week this week; Berry Street Training for staff on Monday and ANZAC Day on Thursday, we are working hard to ensure students are staying on top of work in classes and beginning Term 2 off with a positive start.


ANZAC Service

Today, Wednesday afternoon, we will conduct our ANZAC Day service at 2:30pm. 

Students will be asked to go to their P6 Class then come to the service. Students will be sent back to the period 6 class to be dismissed. Students are not bring bags or class materials to the service.


Paul Scott is coming to speak at the service he is a past Charlton High School student and recently retired Naval officer. The Service will be held at the front of the flag poles down the main entrance towards the bike shelter.


Year 9 'Morrisby' Career Pathways Notes

We are still waiting on some permission slips to be returned by Year 9 students. Attached below is the consent form, along with an information flyer for parents. Please ensure these forms are returned before the end of Week 3 so that students can partake in sitting their Morrisby Profiling in Week 5.