Art and Technology
The year so far.....
Art and Technology
The year so far.....
Open Night was a massive success for the Arts and Technology Domain and without the significant support of our student helpers who were all highly dedicated to being actively involved in the night it would not have been such a success – our student volunteers displayed and represented the strong spirit and values of our school. Thankyou for being involved! We had pottery wheel demonstrations, mosaic collaborations, photoshoots, animation demonstrations alongside woodworking and cookies being created in food technology. The atmosphere was inspiring, and the Art & Technology staff are all grateful to the students who supported us. A big thankyou to all helpers and parents who attended for supporting us in this evening!!!
Year 9 Art went on their first art excursion to the TarraWarra Museum of Art where they viewed the current exhibitions. The students were in awe of the museum space and the artworks that were on display. We have some strong art critics in the making. We then went on to view the current exhibitions at both YAVA and The Memo locally for students to gain inspiration and ideas for their next series of artworks in class. I look forward to seeing the amazing creations that evolve in the art room this term.
The “Art Factory” is going strong on Tuesdays and Fridays at lunch times. Students from all year levels are creating and collaborating during this time and are working towards our end of year exhibition in Term 4. Everyone is welcome to get involved in all creative ways at the Factory.