The VCE English students have recently completed their first SAC for the year. Both year levels have been studying an Australian text. The Year 11s wrote a text response to the film Charlie’s Country, by Rolf De Heer and starring David Gulpilil. The Year 12s did their text response to the novel Flames, by Robbie Arnott.
Year 10 have also completed a text response to Nine Days, another Australian novel, set in Richmond during the Second World War.
Years 7- 9 have all completed their Creative Writing units and are well into their second unit. Year 7s have written a Fantasy narrative, Year 8s have produced a “campfire story”, Year 9s have stretched their imaginations by writing a Tall Tale set in the local area.
All of this is also beautifully complemented by our STAR program which supports literacy development through reading at Year 7, 8 and 9.