Student of the Week Awards 

Foundation - Hugo Palm 

For your amazing contributions to discussions during our excursion to Ecolinc this week. Thanks for sharing your amazing ideas!

Grade 1/2 K- Arthur Taylor

For coming back from the holidays with determination and drive towards his work. Arthur, you have utterly impressed me with your effort. You have worked especially hard in our phonics sessions, ensuring that you are locked in and trying your very best. Way to go, superstar!



Grade 1/2 S- Eve McMahon 

For the exceptional way in which you demonstrate our school values every day. Eve, you should be proud of the way you always demonstrate attentive listening flawlessly, consistently apply your best efforts to all learning tasks and the respectful and inclusive way you collaborate with all peers. Keep up the outstanding efforts, Eve!


Grade 1/2 B- Esther Block 

For your legendary display of all of our school values this week! You consistently strive to do your best and you are an enthusiastic learner with a positive attitude. I am always so proud of how you strive to make everyone feel included. You have shown leadership in Maths this week and supported your peers to achieve their best. Keep up that great work Esther!



Grade 1/2 D- Gemma Pritchett

Gemma Pritchett for your amazing start to Term 2. Gemma, you have been so focussed and locked in since returning from the holidays, setting a great example of our value of Excellence. It is lovely to see your happy smile and enthusiastic attitude at the start of each day . Keep it up, Gem!


Grade 3/4 M- Elke Hamilton

A fantastic start to term 2. You have approached all learning with a positive and ‘can-do’ attitude and given every task your best go. It has been great to see you contributing your ideas in our class discussions too. Keep shining super star!


Grade 3/4 R (Formally 3/4 S)- Ava Remilton

Excellent work in maths this week. Ava, you have worked hard to extend yourself in learning about data and graphs. I love how you developed multiple kinds of graphs to showcase your learning.


Grade 3/4 N- Oscar Santamaria 

For the wonderful attitude that you are applying to your learning each day. The effort you are putting into your narrative planning for your picture story book has been amazing. You are always willing to contribute to classroom discussion and offer really interesting ideas. Oscar, you are always trying hard to interact respectfully with others and model our school values. Well done, legend!

Grade 3/4 B- Sophie Rieger

The fantastic effort that you apply to your learning each day.  It has been wonderful to see you sinking your teeth into picture story books this week by interviewing your audience and planning a narrative based on their preferences.  I can’t wait to see your finished piece.  Well done, legend!


Grade 5/6 J- Summer Remilton

For her excellent understanding of BIDMAS and coming up with interesting equations to solve, involving concepts like brackets and indices. It has been great to see her challenge herself and I look forward to seeing her reach her full potential. Keep up the great work! 


Grade 5/6 A- Larry Anstis

For the incredible start you have made to this term. you have given your best effort when completing learning tasks, joined into all activities with enthusiasm and shared your ideas confidently. Keep up the amazing work, Larry!


Grade 5/6 P- Evelyn Driscoll 

Is for showcasing her conceptual understanding of mathematical expressions this week. Evelyn, your ability to analyse complex patterns and then apply your knowledge of BIDMAS to record them as accurate equations was simply brilliant! Keep up the great work legend! 


Physical Education: Charlie Handley Driscoll

For your awesome participation this week! you were an active participant in PE and had a go at learning how to correctly handball a footy. Amazing effort, Charlie! Keep it up!



Performing Arts: Class of the week 5/6 J

For taking responsibility for their creative learning and pushing themselves into new territory in our dance unit. And for dancing an awesome Nutbush!