From the Classroom

Mandarin - Performing Arts - Physical Education - Science - Visual Art

Visual Art

Foundation students have been learning about different types of lines. They applied this knowledge to design and decorate their own hot air balloon. They have also been practising using their fine motor skills with scissors by carefully cutting around a photo of themselves. The end results speak for themselves.

Physical Education

Year 1 students have been engaged in a jump rope (skipping) unit and have participated in games and activities to develop their jumping skills. They have learnt short rope tricks such as double bounce, single bounce, backwards, pepper, double under, side swing, and elevator. In this activity, students used hoops to develop their jumping skills and engaged in fun hoop games. 

Performing Arts

The Year 2 students have been completing their music compositions of a sound story for a train's journey pictured below. The students picked instruments of their choice and were encouraged to focus on pitch, tempo and dynamics for this task. Some great and creative ideas were shared with the class by students!


In Mandarin class, Year 3 and 4 students learned about classroom objects. They presented a role play with a partner asking and responding to the question “Zhe shi shen me?这是什么”(What is this?) in Mandarin. They also used the words for classroom objects to complete a written task. 


This term in Science, the Year 5 and 6 students are learning about different states of matter and the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Students have enjoyed identifying different materials and investigating the differences between solids, liquids and gases. During this experiment, we investigated the viscosity of different liquids by timing how long it took a marble to drop to the bottom of each sample of liquid.