What's on in 1/2

Integrated Studies


This term in Integrated studies, we’ve been learning about caring for our planet. 

Last week we went outside to do an activity about general waste, recycling and organics. 

We had to sort our rubbish into the right bins. I got to put the banana peel in the organics bin. At first I put it in the wrong place but then I figured it out! We noticed that there were a lot of wrappers and 3 oreo packets so we discussed ways we could use less waste. 

Justin W




This term in Writing we have been learning about Narratives and how to rewrite stories using ‘Somebody, Wanted, But, So, Then. During reading we have been learning to visualise as we read. We learnt that we can use our prior knowledge to help us build a picture in our mind as we read.  






This term we have been learning about Place Value and working with different materials to work out problems. We have been exploring numbers through Base 10 blocks, Unifix blocks, counters and dice. We have learnt that the positioning of the numeral in a number is very important to work out its value. We have worked with 2, 3 and 4 digit numbers. 

Level 1/2 Students