What's on in Foundation

Reading in Foundation
It has been so exciting to see how the reading strategies of our Foundation students continue to grow! Daily reading is certainly a favourite time of day with our classes. Students start the day with reading their take home books with a reading partner. This allows them to practise books that have been read at home in the previous days. Independent Reading book boxes are always filled with good fit books, a challenge book or two, and some browsing books with topics that are interesting or favourite authors and characters! Whilst reading, children are often ‘word detectives’ and search and write words that are coloured words or words from the spelling sentence of the week. Then there is even shared reading, where we all read together! We really want to instil a love and joy for reading, which will flourish and last a lifetime!
Readers are Leaders!
There is no better way to explore maths in Foundation than with our hands! Recently we have made bead strings so we can represent numbers to 20. The beads have also been colour coded into groups of 5, as Foundation children are investigating this skip counting pattern, and how it is easier and quicker to ‘see’ numbers. Exploring how numbers are made in many different ways is crucial to ensure our students can ‘Trust the Count’ before they progress along the continuum of maths learning. Using our beads, children can easily create a number, and also explain their thinking. Eg. the number 7 is… five and two more… it is 10 and 3 less and so on! We can’t wait to also use our bead strings to help us solve addition and subtraction in the future!
Mother’s Day
There was certainly a buzz in our classrooms last week as children anticipated the biggest day on the calendar for our Mums! We spent all week creating some special keepsakes to proudly present to our Mum’s or Mother figures last Sunday. Fingers were busy cutting, pasting, colouring, writing and even shopping! Our students were so excited that a shop was going to be at school! On Friday, with money and shopping bags in hand, we made the trek over to the kitchen. There was such a huge range of beautiful gifts to choose from, that the decision was quite tricky! A big thankyou to the lovely Mums and helpers at the stall who were so patient and helpful while we made our selections.
Also, a special thank you to Austin’s dad for bringing in a mountain of fabulous cardboard, paper and magnets which we used to create our special crafts!
We hope everyone had a lovely day <3