Wellbeing & Thrive

Leadership Begins Here

This week students are writing Goals for Learning, Social & Behaviour Skills for Term 2.

They will write goals to assist them to focus attention on areas they may like to improve in. 


Our school PBL & Leader in Me focus this week is to Learn and Let others Learn. 

Along with Habit 6 - Synergise. 

Synergy means valuing the differences of people in order to collaborate. Valuing differences is the foundation of synergy. When we are effective, we value this type of variety and build on each other’s strengths.


Kimochi Program

Kindergarten and Year One have been working with our Social Emotional Program 'Kimochis'. Kimochis are a playful way to help children learn how to identify and express feelings. When kids can communicate their feelings effectively, they develop positive social skills that lead to lasting friendships and success in all aspects of life. Kimochis teach RELATIONSHIPS which are the foundation for success in ALL areas of life. Ask


Life can be fruitful, life can be messy, life can be fun, and life can be hard. We celebrate, we mourn, we laugh, and we cry - and most importantly we do it together. 



Have a safe and happy weekend

Melissa Overton   

Wellbeing Coordinator