Engaging in our Faith 

Want to help out every now and then with the Vinnies Brekky Van on Sunday mornings? 

 Be a part of the new Parish/school team that cooks from 8 am- midday at Central station on a monthly basis. You don't have to commit to each month! It is a great thing for your children to see you do and they can be involved in some way from home too. All volunteers need to be over 18 years. There are some online forms that need to be done in order to proceed and a WWCC and police check. This can take time for busy parents which is why I am asking now! The dates we have been given specifically as a school team to fill are 

22 September, 

27th October and 

1 December. 

So far, I have had 6 wonderful parents sign up but the more the merrier!


Save the Date: Vinnies Winter Family Sleepout at School to raise awareness about homelessness and give to those less fortunate. 

Friday June 14th: 6-9 pm


 Needing some help with the hardest job in the world?

Family Wellbeing link :-Parenting Programs - CatholicCare (catholiccaredbb.org.au)


Coffee Connect every first Thursday of the month at Moore Cafe West Lindfield. Chat 10/10 and Coffee 10/10 !!
Coffee Connect every first Thursday of the month at Moore Cafe West Lindfield. Chat 10/10 and Coffee 10/10 !!

Many thanks,

Anne Gray

Parent Engagement Coordinator