Assistant Principal 

Parent Volunteers 

We were delighted to welcome over 25 parents to our Holy Family Volunteer Meetings this week. Over the next few weeks, we will be confirming the days and times and inviting parents into our school. 

If you would like to volunteer please complete the online form below 

K-6 Volunteer Form 


Staff Development Day 

On Monday our staff joined other CSBB schools to continue our work on Curriculum Reform. Teachers heard from expert presenter Jim Tognolini (Educational Research at the University of Sydney) regarding assessment tools and the use of educational rubrics. 

Our cluster focused on the English strand of vocabulary which is vital for reading and writing development. 

As a school, we are developing student's vocabulary with explicit teaching and modelling. 

You may see some of our "Vocabulary Cakes" in the hallways and classrooms when you next visit. 

This example is from Year One. The Tier Vocabulary words are also explained. 









Have a lovely weekend.

Sam Edwards - Assistant Principal