Religious Education

Mr Ray Hickey

The Ascension of the Lord

This Sunday, the Catholic Church commemorates when Jesus returned to his Father in Heaven. Prior to Jesus leaving the disciples, he instructed them to go out and spread the Good News to all of creation. We, as disciples in 2024, are also instructed to spread the Good News to others. How can you share the Good News with your family, friends, colleagues and strangers you encounter in the week ahead?   


Mothers, Mary and Families

Happy Mother's Day for this Sunday, 12 May. This a special day to remember mothers, grandmothers and all who care for and show love to others. 

Find some quiet time on Mother's Day to pray your own special prayer for your own mother and all mothers. 

May is the month dedicated to Mary, our mother in Heaven. Find time individually or with family members to pray the Hail Mary in honour of Mary. She is always there for us to share in our good and not so good times. 

Catholic Care Victoria always set aside the week following Mother's Day to honour families. The theme of this year's Family Week is Building Compassionate Families and Communities.

Family Week is a perfect time to come together to celebrate the power of family relationships in all their diversities, and the importance they play in our lives and community. 


Sacrament of Eucharist

A reminder that all Year 4 families are invited to attend the Family Faith Evening on TONIGHT from 6.00 to 7.00 pm in The Hub.

Please keep the Year 4 students who are receiving their First Holy Communion on the 1st and 2nd of June in your prayers.