Deputy Principal

Teaching and Learning / Maths News

Eloise Ellis

Maths Curriculum 2.0 and Reports

The Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum includes changes to the achievement standards used by teachers to assess and report student learning from Foundation (Prep) to Year 10.


On your child’s previous report, the teacher reported against the three strands of the achievement standard for Mathematics (Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability). Under the Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum, your child’s teacher will report against the achievement standard as a whole, providing a single, aggregated score for Maths.

As the achievement standards reported on have changed, the first time you receive a report under the Mathematics Version 2.0 curriculum, it will only show achievement and not progress. This means there won't be a dot showing where your student scored in their last report and a progression line to this year's score, as this is the first time with a Progression Point using this new Maths curriculum.


The VCAA made these changes to help teachers plan their teaching and learning programs in Mathematics, giving them more flexibility to support students to link ideas within Mathematics and also with other curriculum areas.


Previously the Victorian Curriculum achievement scores appeared like this on a St Michael's school  report:

 For Semester One at St Michael's they will appear like this; excluding Mathematics:

Mathematics 2.0 will appear separately on its own page, with achievement only, not progression, as well as checklist achievement items for the areas taught.

For all reports following this, progress will be shown against the single achievement standard. Please contact Annie Herbison or myself if you would like further information.