Previous news and information

Annie Herbison

This page will specifically be used for previous information that has been printed in our newsletter and will act as a "REMINDER page" for you to check what is still in date but perviously published. I hope this can be helpful for you! ~ Annie


St Michael's Art Show ~ Save the Date

The students have been working very hard already to create some amazing art pieces in readiness for our biennial St Michael's Art Show, both in their dedicated Visual Arts specialist lessons and in their classrooms. They have been studying the techniques of various artists and then applied these techniques in their own pieces to create personalised art works. We are so proud 

We are delighted to announce that this year's St Michael's Art Show will be open for the public at the following times:



2.30pm Offical Opening, lead by St Michael's Arts Student Leaders

2.40-6.30pm Gallery Open 


8.00-9.00am Gallery Open


We invite you to bring along your family members, neighbours and friends to view the incredibly talented works by our students.


Updated Medication Authority Forms

Recently the Melbourne Archdiocese has released updated Medication Authority Forms for all Catholic Schools. It is now required that these new forms are used for medication in place of the previous forms. Attached here is the most updated form with the St Michael's Logo inserted. We ask families, over the next term, to update medical authority forms. Any medication that is required to be administered to St Michael's students, onsite, at excursions or on camp, needs to be accompanied by one of these forms. The form is attached here for you to view, can be made available in the school office and will be made available through Operoo. 



Thank you again to all families who have paid their school account, or who continue with their 2024 payment plan. We remind families that if you have not yet paid any of your fees or if you would like to arrange an alternative payment plan, please contact Kathy Muhllechner  –


Any information regarding school fees and concessions that may be available, please see Mrs Kathy Muhllechner in the school office on Mondays, Tuesdays or Friday. 


Nationally Consistent Collection of Data

Schools collect a range of data about students to assist with planning, programming, assessing and reporting progress to parents. Whilst the curriculum in each classroom is differentiated to suit the needs and abilities of all students, some students in our schools have adjustments made to their learning tasks specifically to support their individual learning needs. For some students, this kind of 'help' could be for a learning disability, for which schools collect data which is included in the NCCD. This 'help' allows students with disabilities to access the curriculum on the same basis as a child without a disability. For further information about the NCCD and what happens in schools with this data, please read further in this fact sheet provided.


Hands on Music

Hands On Music is a company St Michael's has been using for some time.  If you wish for your child to learn an instrument this year, please make contact with Jen Capon via email: or phone: 0402 910 330