Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear parents and friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
Thank you to our School Captains - Isabella and Martin who attended the ANZAC Day service in Cranbourne on Thursday 25th April. They represented St Agatha's with pride as they laid the wreath at the centotaph. It was wonderful to see other families from St Agatha's at the ceremony and special thanks to Lilianna and Lucas who bravely walked up with the school captains to lay the wreath.
Ode of Remembrance
They shall grow not old,
as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them,
nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun
and in the morning
We will remember them.
Lest we forget
On Friday 26th April, all staff from St Agatha's, St Therese's and St Thomas the Apostle came together for a day of professional learning. The focus of the day was in Inclusive Education. A key feature of this day was a psychologist - Maria Roberto who spoke about Wellbeing. Maria explained how the brain works and that as humans we are all hardwired to look for dangers in the environment which means we look for the negative in order to protect ourselves. She taught us the importance of gratitude and training ourselves to look for the positive and good in our lives. A useful strategy or practice is to find time each day to think of at least 1 good thing that happened and spend time wondering why that happened. Perhaps beginning a gratitude journal with your children may help to improve mental health and overall wellbeing.
Throughout the day, the staff also heard from Speech Pathologists, OTs and other professionals who gave us insight and knowledge to cater for a range of diverse needs in our school. Thank you to the Learning Adjustment Teams from all schools who organised the day. In know this knowledge will continue to build a high performance culture at St Agatha's.
A Visit from our Director - Mr Paul Velton
On Thursday May 2 we had the pleasure of welcoming Mr Paul Velton and the Board of Directors to St Agatha's School. They came for a tour of the school and enjoyed a performance by our very own Taiko drummers. Our school captains and faith leaders did a wonderful job of leading our school tour.
Mother's Day Events
On Tuesday 7th May, our STAC group are organising to hold the annual Mother's Day Stall. Please see the STAC News page for more details. All purchases will need to be made through the CDFpay app.
On Friday 10th May, we are holding the Mother's Day Breakfast. A letter went out earlier this week inviting all mothers/grandparents to enjoy a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs. To cover our costs we do need to ask for a nominal fee of $3 per bacon & egg sandwich. All purchases will need to be made through the CDFpay app. Please ensure you have RSVP'd by Friday 3rd May.
I hope that you all have a wonderful week and look forward to enjoying Mother's Day breakfast with you on Friday 10th May.
Take care,
Michelle Bruitzman