Religious Education

Michelle Hinds

Family Week

Family Week is celebrated on Monday 13th - Sunday 19th May 2024. This year's theme is 'Building Compassionate Families and Communities'.


Family Week is a perfect time to come together to celebrate the power of family relationships in all their diversities, and the importance they play in our lives and community.


Family Week is a time to reflect on the vital role our families play in our lives and in our communities. It is a time to celebrate and strengthen family relationships. Families are crucial to our wellbeing. When families are compassionate, healthy, safe, and nurturing, our overall wellbeing improves as well as that of our wider community. 


Our students and teachers will be engaged in Family Week activities over the course of Family Week. These will lead well into the celebration of Catholic Education Week, during the following week.


Please take the time to view this video about the importance of families.



Catholic Education Week

We join with Catholic schools across the Diocese of Sale in celebrating Catholic Education Week on Monday 20th - Sunday 26th May 2024. This year, we focus on the words taken from the Book of Revelation;

“See, I am making all things new.” (Rev 21:5)


´“See, I am making all things new”(Rev 21:5), points to a new way of looking at the world; a new way of responding in order to bring about a better world. All things are made new because people can make life choices, they can choose love, compassion, peace, goodness, and justice.


´Through dialogue with the Christian story, Catholic schools invite young people to consider Jesus’ message, his life, death and resurrection. There is a sense of hope, integral to the Catholic faith, as well as a sense of joy that openness or dialogue brings. Dialogue, that bridge word, that word which builds bridges and enables us to work together collectively to making all things new.


´Our responsibility is to work towards the common good. There is a need for all people, irrespective of race, creed, and culture, to reach out in a dialogue of love. 

All are invited to respond, what will you choose?


Mini Vinnies

Our Mini Vinnies - Social Justice Leadership Team have been working hard to promote the St Vincent de Paul Society's 170th Birthday celebrations. They have been instrumental in working on the St Vincent de Paul's Message of Hope Project, designing banners and written and audio messages.


Here is a sample of their work:


The team's message:

Our vision for the world is one of HOPE. Hope and peace so that there are no longer wars, poverty or homelessness. We will strive to make our world a better place.

We do our best so that we can come together regardless of who we are; race, colour, culture or gender. We will do this with confidence and courage through a committed and collective responsibility. 

We will demonstrate respect, empathy and compassion to all those who need our help and be committed to fulfilling the St Vincent de Paul Society’s motto: ‘A hand up not a hand out’.

We continuously work to create an awareness of the great work the St Vincent de Paul Society does locally, nationally and internationally. Our fundraising efforts brings this to life.

It is with our hands and through our voice that we can make hope a reality. 

Happy 170th Birthday to the St Vincent de Paul Society!

Sacramental Timetable 2024

The 2024 Sacramental Timetable is now available. Please take the time to view the attached timetable for First Eucharist and Confirmation scheduling.


Please note, there has been a change since last year, to the Confirmation Ceremony date, due to the Bishop's availability.



A hard copy of the Sacramental Timetable has also been sent home to all Year 3-6 students for your reference.


All workshops will be conducted in St Agatha's Church.


If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


God bless and stay courageous.

Michelle Hinds