From the Principal

Felicity Broughton

 Do all that you do with love ~

Dear Families,


It's been a time for celebration here at St Therese's. Last week we hosted a tour of the school and lunch for members of the Diocese of Sale Catholic Education Ltd Board and Parish Priests for St Thomas the Apostle, St Agatha's and St Therese's. The board had a very busy day, visiting both St Peter's campus' as well as the 3 existing primary schools. They even manged to take a look at the progress onsite at St Josephine Bakhita, the new school scheduled to open next year. 


The students were keen to welcome the visitors into the classrooms and share their learning. It was also an opportunity for us to show how we are utilising the learning neighbourhoods following the renovations and extension.


I'd like to congratulate Mr Andrew Orchard who graduated earlier this term. St Therese's has been a big part of Andrew's journey to becoming a qualified teacher, not only did he complete two of his teaching placements with us but he is also a former student.  We are so glad he chose to join our teaching staff and thank you for the warm welcome you have shown him.

I hope you also take the time to congratulate Maddie as well. Miss Foster went on leave last week, much to the dismay of her Foundation class, and has returned today as Mrs Hastings. I'm sure you'll agree that she looked beautiful and we wish Maddie and her husband Dan much happiness together, along with their fur-baby Astro.


Mother's Day Celebrations

Don't forget that our Mums, Grandmothers and special ladies have been invited to join us for our liturgy and morning tea on Friday 10th May at 9.00am. It is always so wonderful to welcome members of the community to our masses and liturgies and we look forward to celebrating you all. As with last year, we chose not to run a Mother's Day Stall but that doesn't mean there won't be gifts - each child has been busy making a special gift to bring home.


Catholic Education Week

Our school, along with the 45 Catholic schools in the Diocese of Sale, will celebrate Catholic Education Week from 17 May to 24 May.


The theme for this year’s celebrations is, A New Dialogue of Love, Hope and Joy, inspired by the Scripture passage, ‘See, I am Making All Things New’ (Rev. 21:5). This theme symbolises an optimistic and hope-filled perspective on the world and a renewed approach to fostering positive change.


The theme emphasises the belief that transformation and renewal are possible in all aspects of life through individual choices. By following the life and teachings of Jesus, and embracing principles of compassion, peace, goodness, and justice, individuals can contribute to a more hopeful and joyful world, sowing seeds of positivity and hope.


Through this theme, Catholic schools aim to inspire young people to reflect on the Christian message and to showcase their efforts in contributing to creating a better world. The hope is for staff, students, families, and parishes to embrace this meaningful time and for schools to celebrate their distinctive mission and share features that are special about their schools.


Members of staff will be attending a Leadership Eucharist and Awards ceremony to celebrate andrecognise outstanding service and excellence of staff and students in Catholic education in our Diocese atpresentations during Catholic Education Week.


Please join us on Monday 20th May at 9.00am in the school hall for our Catholic Education Week Liturgy.


Foundation Enrolments for 2025

I can't believe we're at this stage of the year already but here we are! Enrolments for Foundation 2025 are well and truly open. If you have a little person at home who is of school age for next year and you haven't yet picked up an enrolment pack from the office I urge you to do so. Likewise, if you have friends or family who live in our zone that are looking for a primary school, encourage them to book a school tour with us. I will be starting enrolment interviews after the King's Birthday Long Weekend.


Felicity Broughton
