Principal Team Message

Term 2 - Edition no: 6, 2024


The recent House Cross Country Carnival was a resounding success, showcasing the incredible House spirit and talent of students here at RPS. The event was filled with excitement and sportsmanship as students from all year levels gave their all to achieve their personal bests.


One of the highlights of the carnival was witnessing every student push themselves to run the designated number of laps based on their year level. Everyone showed remarkable determination and commitment to reaching their goals from our youngest to Year 3 and to our seasoned Year 6 students. 


For students in Years 3-6, the stakes were even higher as they vied for a chance to qualify for the Balaclava District team. As students completed their laps, they proudly collected wristbands as tokens of their achievement. Many students wore these bands with pride, showcasing their hard-earned accomplishments. 


During assembly following the carnival, we celebrated the fastest runners from each year level. 


Congratulations to the following students:

 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 
Foundation GirlsIsabelle P Lila GBridie L Edie B
Foundation Boys Clyde B Josh G Henry J Jake L 
Year 1 Girls Ted T Tom F Emilio SHenry R 
Year 1 Girls Ottilie A Margot A G Ada D Scarlet S
Year 2 Girls Billie B Daisy S Lily P Lara S 
9/10 Girls Lottie KClementine BOdessa A 
9/10 Boys Remy K Micah CTom C 
11 Girls Vivienne MImogen BFlorence E 
11 Boys Asher K Tim C Ren C  
12/13 Girls Harriet P Evie L Eva W  
12/13 Boys Luc M Max F D Lewis S  

Lastly, we extend our congratulations to Tunparrim for emerging as the winning house at this year's cross-country carnival. We also extend our gratitude to Susie, Tye, all of our staff and parent volunteers. Without this support, events such as these would not be possible. 


The Year 5/6 Canberra Tour was an unforgettable experience that left our students in awe. It was a journey through Australia's rich history and contemporary governance, a blend of education and adventure that truly felt once-in-a-lifetime.


The tour began with exploring the historical sites of Canberra, delving into the foundations of our nation's capital. Students were immersed in the stories of the past, learning about the struggles and triumphs that shaped our country. Visiting places like the National Arboretum allowed them to connect with nature while appreciating the significance of preserving our environment.


One of the highlights was stepping into the House of Representatives, where they had the unique opportunity to experience the legislative process firsthand. The simulation of passing a bill not only taught them about the functioning of our democratic system but also instilled a sense of responsibility and civic duty.


The excursion to the High Court was equally enlightening, as students gained insights into the judicial branch of government. Learning about the esteemed judges and their landmark cases provided a glimpse into the complexities of the legal system and the importance of upholding justice.


The fun didn't stop there; Questacon and Sportex at the Australian Institute of Sport added a thrilling dimension to the tour. From interactive science exhibits to experiencing the excitement of various sports, students had a blast while also learning about the importance of health and well-being.


Overall, the Year 5/6 Canberra Tour was a comprehensive educational experience that broadened horizons, built a deep sense of independence and left a lasting impact on our students. It was a perfect blend of history, civics, science, and physical activity, making it a journey they will cherish and remember for years to come.


We thank our incredible staff for supporting this week-long tour as part of the Year 5/6 camping program. 


Big thanks to - Emily, Mark, Tye, Alicia, Sarah, and Dave  



On Friday, May 17th, we will acknowledge an important calendar day - IDAHOBIT Day. This day holds significance as it stands for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia. 


IDAHOBIT Day is not just a day to mark on our calendars; it is a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and acceptance for individuals regardless of their background, characteristics or beliefs.


To commemorate IDAHOBIT Day this year, we have planned a special activity for all classes. We will be watching the reading of "Sometimes You're A Caterpillar," a wonderful story that beautifully illustrates the journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Following this reading, we will engage in age-appropriate conversations about difference, acceptance, and discrimination, focusing particularly on discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.


IDAHOBIT Day holds immense importance in our community and globally for several reasons:


IDAHOBIT Day is a platform to promote inclusivity and celebrate the diversity of gender identities and sexual orientations in our community. It encourages us to embrace differences and create a more inclusive environment for everyone.


By acknowledging IDAHOBIT Day, we raise awareness about the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals due to discrimination, stigma, and prejudice. It provides an opportunity to educate ourselves and others about these issues.


IDAHOBIT Day is a call to action for advocating equal rights and opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals. It reminds us of the ongoing fight against discrimination and the importance of standing up for human rights for all.


By observing IDAHOBIT Day, we contribute to creating safer and more supportive spaces for LGBTQ+ individuals. It sends a powerful message of acceptance and solidarity.


Our activities on IDAHOBIT Day aim to instil values of empathy, acceptance, and respect for diversity among our students. It's a small step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society, where everyone feels valued and accepted for who they are. Students can wear casual clothing/rainbow colours to mark this day. 


Let's come together on May 17th to honour IDAHOBIT Day and reaffirm our commitment to embracing diversity and ending discrimination in all its forms. 



We are thrilled to present to you the highlights and achievements from the 2023 school year through our Annual Report. This report encapsulates a year of dedication, growth, and success across various aspects of our school's goals.


The Annual Report showcases our students' outstanding achievements in learning, as evidenced by the data sets gathered from NAPLAN results. These results not only reflect the hard work of our students but also the commitment of our teachers and the support from parents and the broader school community.


Additionally, the report outlines the standards our students reached across the Victorian Curriculum. It is heartening to see our students not only meeting but exceeding these standards, showcasing their capabilities and potential.


Beyond academics, our focus on student wellbeing and engagement is paramount. The Annual Report highlights various initiatives and programs implemented throughout the year to support the holistic development of our students. From mental health awareness campaigns to extracurricular activities promoting physical fitness and creativity, we are dedicated to nurturing well-rounded individuals.


A crucial aspect of the Annual Report is the summary of our school's financial position. Transparency and accountability in financial matters are fundamental to our operations. The report provides insights into how resources were allocated, ensuring that every dollar spent contributes to enhancing the educational experience of our students.


As we reflect on the achievements of 2023, we see a year of significant progress towards meeting the goals and targets set in our school's strategic plan. This progress is a testament to the collective effort of our staff, students, parents, and stakeholders. Together, we have made strides in creating a dynamic learning environment that fosters growth, innovation, and inclusivity.


As we look ahead, we remain committed to building on the successes of 2023. Our strategic vision guides us in continuously improving our programs, facilities, and support systems to ensure every student reaches their full potential.


We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to making 2023 a remarkable year for our school. Your dedication and involvement are integral to our ongoing success.


The Annual Report provides principals and school councils with an opportunity to share last year’s achievements and progress with the school community. This includes reflecting on the school’s performance and explaining the positive impact of school improvement efforts on student outcomes in 2023. 


We invite all school community members to attend this presentation before the School Council meeting in late May. 


Date: Tuesday 28 May 

Time: 6:15 pm 

Place: Staffroom 




Until next fortnight!


Natalie Rose             &                        Marta Campbell 

      Principal                                         Assistant Principal