Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Guardians,
Students, staff and families enjoyed a wonderful Athletics carnival on Wednesday, 1st November. A very big thank you to everyone for their support at this event. It was fabulous to have so many parents join us at Meadowglen Athletics Stadium to assist and encourage our students on the day. Special thanks to Cara for her great work planning, organising and leading our Athletics Day.
School Advisory Council 2024
Expressions of interest are open for our 2024 School Advisory Council. We are looking for passionate people who are interested in supporting the work of the School Council. We have a combination of both face to face and online council meetings to support the work life balance of our members. If you would like to learn more about the role of the council, please contact the office and we will provide contact details for Jed Nalder, School Advisory Council Chairperson.
Unfortunately, in the past few weeks many families have been impacted by gastroenteritis or COVID19. As gastroenteritis is a common and highly infectious conditions, students should not return to school until 48 hours after their last episode of diarrhea and/or vomiting. If you are concerned that your child may have COVID, the following protocols are still in place for all schools:
1. Parents/carers should inform the school by phone or written notification if a student tests positive to COVID-19 (via a PCR or rapid antigen test).
2. Students who report a positive result are recommended to isolate for a minimum of 5 days and not attend school until their symptoms have resolved.
Medical Management Policy
St Joseph the Worker Primary School operates with the consent of the Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne and is owned, operated, and governed by Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). MACS have updated their Medical Management Policy for all schools, with a significant change regarding the administration of medication at school.
In all cases except emergency situations, medication must not be administered to a child being educated and cared for unless the administration is authorised by a treating medical / health practitioner.
Medication can only be administered when a Medication Authority Form that reflects details of medication to be administered at school has been completed and signed by a Health Practitioner and parents.
A copy of the Medical Management Policy and Medication Authority form is available from the office. If you are taking your child to a doctor and expect that they may prescribed medication that will need to be taken at school, we recommend that you take a copy of this form with you for the Medical Practitioner to sign.
Prep Orientation
We had our final Prep orientation recently and welcomed our 2024 Prep students and families to our school. Students worked in classrooms with teachers as an introduction to learning next year. Our new parents met in the hall and listened to information regarding a typical day in Prep, teaching and learning at our school and met staff from Theircare and Academy Uniforms. It was a successful morning for all our new students and their families, and we look forward to working with them in 2024.
School Fees
Thank you to the majority of families who have finalised this year's school fees. There are just a few families who have not finalised their account. I ask that you do so this week. Please contact Marisa if you wish to discuss your account.
With the increased cost of living pressure on families, all fees and levies have been carefully considered, and we would like to reaffirm the school's commitment to ensuring that fees and levies are kept affordable. Schools are not exempt from the significant increases to costs associated with resources, insurance, transport, equipment and wage rises. 2024 Fees and levies will be sent out to families next week.
School Uniform
The wearing of the correct school uniform is compulsory for all students. It is now time for all students to wear the correct summer school uniform. Students are required to wear their school hats in Term 4 while at school and are strongly encouraged to wear them when walking to and from school. Students without a school hat will be required to sit in a shaded area during breaks. With the UV index much higher this term, parents are encouraged to ensure that your child wears sunscreen.
Dogs at School
A reminder that under no circumstances should dogs be brought into the school grounds. This is for the safety and wellbeing of both families and the pets themselves! We have students with allergies to dogs and some who are very scared of them. I ask for your support with this matter and to leave the dog at home or wait away from the school grounds with your dog.
Travel Safe
It is wonderful to see students riding to school now that the weather is improving. A reminder to all students who walk or ride to school to always follow the road rules and be very careful when walking or riding past the school driveway entrances.
A message from Pope Francis
Laudato Si’ is an encyclical of Pope Francis. An encyclical is a public letter from the Pope in light of current events. This encyclical focuses on care for the natural environment and all people in our world. The Laudato Si’ means “Care for our Common Home.” Laudato Si’ is addressed to “every living person on this planet and is offered as an ongoing dialogue within the Catholic Church and between Catholics and the wider world.
Principals in the North Central Zone are working with Sr Adele Howard RSN OAM, to develop actions that we can embed in our schools, in response to this very timely message. Our vision calls us to be inspired by St Joseph the Worker, to work together and empower each individual to be a steward of creation.
Pope Francis Laudato Si’ prayer
All powerful God,
You are present in the universe
And in the smallest of creatures.
You embrace with your tenderness all that exists.
Pour out upon us the power of your love,
That we may protect life and beauty.
Fill us with your peace, that we may live
As brothers and sisters, harming no one.
Teach us to discover the worth of each thing,
To be filled with awe and contemplation,
To recognise that we are profoundly united
With every creature.
Encourage us to work together for justice, love and peace.
May St Joseph the Worker continue to bless us and watch over us.
Maria Barnes