Stars Of The Week

Rollins PS Stars of the Week are proudly brought to you by Captcha Photobooths. Proud supporters of our Stars of the Week and our Grade 6 Graduation in December.

Stars of the Week - Term 4, Week 5


Prep A


Maxx C



Shanny M

For always participating in class discussions and putting in his best effort when completing set tasks. Outstanding effort Maxx!


For being such a kind and honest student who has shown growth in all areas of the curriculum. Well done Shanny. Keep up the fantastic effort.

Prep B


Armaan N



Harmony R

For putting in a great effort on his dolphin Information Report. Well done Armaan, keep it up! 


For working hard on her lizard Information Report. Great work Harmony, keep it up!

Prep C

Zafer S



Bentleigh V

For always being kind to others and for trying hard with his reading. Keep up the great work Zafer!


For his persistence when writing on dotted thirds. Well done Bentleigh, keep up the great effort!


1AStella KFor striving to work more independently and for continuing to show growth in making good choices both within and outside of the classroom. Keep up the great effort Stella!
1BImogen HFor her positive attitude towards her learning. It has been great to see you produce high quality work independently in Reading and Writing this Term. Keep it up Imogen!

Emilia N



Zarah L

For amazing work on her Book Review project. Keep up the great work Emilia!


For amazing work on her Book Review project. Keep up the great work Zarah!

2BHunter WFor demonstrating an improved attitude and effort towards his schooling. 
3/4AHendrix CFor showing an amazing love of learning and always being the first one involved in meaningful class discussions. Well done.



Havana BFor being a wonderful class helper and pushing herself to make new friends. You are doing amazing Havana!

Archie S



Rose V

Archie, for showing an amazing improvement in your effort and attitude towards your work. Super proud of you, legend!


Rose, for putting in awesome levels of effort and detail into your information report. Your creativity is fantastic, keep it up!

3/4DReece DFor demonstrating a growth mind set when participating in our maths problem solving tasks. Well done, Reece!
3/4ECooper Y For showing Ambition during Maths and sharing his problem solving ideas with the rest of the class. Well done, Cooper! 



Sharvarntay E



Jayden H


For being an all round superstar! You always display the REACH values and can be relied upon to set a wonderful example for others. 


For a great attitude towards his learning. Well done working to your personal best level Jayden!


Lucas Ne




Leila H

For continually putting in his best effort during his writing this week. Well done on making great choices in the classroom Lucas. Keep it up superstar! 


For bringing a positive growth mindset when having a go at challenging activities during learning. Keep up the great work Leila!


Jackson C



Shone M

For being a great sportsman in our games this week! Keep up the awesome attitude!


For having an awesome term so far! You have been trying really hard in your writing and reading. Keep it up legend!

STEMDevrim RFor a creative design for his ‘Geelong bollard’. Well done!
VISUAL ARTS Henry MFor his bright, colourful and creative scribble painting. Amazing job!
MEDIARiley TFor continually showing initiative in class and finding creative solutions when creating digital media advertisements.