Primary Music

Primary Music
Music as an acoustic art expresses and sends feelings and messages. Our Primary students continuously explore how to distinguish different emotions and apply their skills on a range of instruments as an outlet of their feelings. By the end of this term, they will choose a song, play on one or more instruments, or collaborate with others from memory, or improvise to express their feelings freely.
In the first two weeks of Term 4 we learned about a set of new instruments, boomwhackers, which are some tubes with different colours and pitches. Students can figure out the musical notes through the printed letters or the colour of the tubes. They can hold one or more of the boomwhackers to complete a song alone or with others. As a result, this instrument suits Primary students of all ages. In the first week, most students enjoyed learning how to use them and said that they would like to learn to play more songs or make their own songs to express their joy.
This week the lower grade students will further explore controlling their voice, percussion instruments and musical games while growing their music theory knowledge. Upper grade students will review some instruments which they learned this year in preparation for choosing one that they are confident to use when performing in front of the whole class at the end of this term.
We have also started regular Primary Choir and Band practices at lunch time on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Our focus is on preparing Christmas songs for the inaugural Kingborough Christmas Carols at Kingston Park on Friday December 8. The Choir will learn to sing several songs with different instruments. The Band will learn to play at least one Christmas song on ukuleles and drums. If any students are interested in singing, they are welcome to join us. We will be preparing for worship songs or pop songs in the future, so regular practice is required, otherwise we may not able to achieve our high goals.
Finally, I want to thank all the students, parents and staff for your trust and support which has enabled us to achieve our learning goals this year. It may be a bit stressful preparing for a performance, but we are all doing a good job to overcome our nerves and transform them into positive sounds for our audiences. It will be exciting to see how well we can play by the end of the year!
Mrs Clara Deng
Primary Music Teacher