Junior School 

Student leadership 2024 

Congratulations to Ariana F and Alicia N in Year 5 who were elected as Junior School Co-Captains for 2024. Congratulations to all the students who put themselves forward for these positions, as all the applications were exceptional, and the students showed admirable insight, commitment and maturity in their interviews with Ms Brennan and Ms Gemmell. Year 6 2024 looks to be a year of outstanding leadership with a cohort of resilient and able students who will be excellent role models to their Junior School peers.

Alicia N
Ariana F
Alicia N
Ariana F

Junior School Swimming Carnival 

Last Friday we had our Junior School Swimming Carnival at the Caulfield Grammar Aquatics Centre. It was great to see lots of people signing up for as many events as possible to help their houses out.  We are so lucky to have a great community of staff and parents who were encouraging and supportive, especially since swimming is not everyone’s favourite. Even so, all the students tried their best and it really showed. Everyone in the Junior School competed in at least one race, including the JDC who participated in fun and competitive activities. Good job to all Junior School students, and a big thank you to the parents and staff who made this amazing day happen.– Milly W - Junior School Sports Captain


Year 6 Wellbeing: Body Positivity with the Butterfly Foundation’s Body Bright program 

An integral part of the Junior School Wellbeing Program is the Butterfly Foundation’s Body Bright where students learn skills that support body positivity. For the rest of the semester, the Year 6s will invest in learning that explores the BRIGHT acronym: 


Brave – stand up for your body and also for others 

Resilient – you don’t need to be what you see on TV 

Inclusive -  everyone is different and that’s okay

Grateful – your body is unique in what it can do 

Happy -  moving and playing in different ways to help your mind and body have good days 

Thoughtful – listening to your body and what it needs 


The learning intentions behind the first session was for students to practice kind ways of speaking to and treating others (particularly in relation to bodies); explore ways to be resilient to negative comments from others; learn skills of being a positive bystander; and identify trusted people students can go to for support.  

Money, Money, Money in Year 2 

To celebrate the end of their unit on Australian money (calculating and collecting small amounts of money), Mrs Williams and her maths class went to 'spend up big' at the Hood. Armed with a price list and weighed down with purses full of coins, the students had to firstly decide on what items they wanted to buy and then if they had enough money to purchase them. Muffins, ($3.50), popcorn ($2.50), Quelch tubes ($1) were all high on the list of most wanted items. It was marvellous to witness the maths involved in this task and to see the girls count out their money and add it up. Thank you to Ally and Nova in the Hood for their patience when some of the young shoppers counted out $5.65 in 5c and 10c pieces. 

Science Talent Search – Results are in!   

As reported last term, six students from Years 4, 5 and 6 submitted entries in the 2023 Science Talent Search. We are excited to share our Junior School students' wonderful results:  

Certificate of Distinction 

Charlotte C for posters and scientific wallcharts: Innovations for a Sustainable Future 

Minor Bursary 

Sylvie M for scientific photography: Evolutionary Adaptations in Native Birds 


Alex C  for experimental research: Preservatives – Why do some foods and drinks last longer than others 


Lucia W for computer programs: Should we put people on Mars to live? 


Major Bursary 


Maya V for computer program: Students OpShop App 


Olivia B for posters and scientific wallcharts: Robots Saving Lives – Xenobots 


The Junior School Chess players continue to do Shelford proud. Five students – Ariana F, Emma Z, Alicia N, Olivia M and Asher C – represented the school at the Victorian Interschools Girls’ Finals at the German Club on 10 October and held their own amongst fierce competition. Congratulations to them all, and many thanks to Mr Hall who accompanied them. 

Vicky Gemmell

Head of Junior School – Student Wellbeing and Development


Jacqui Sidaway

Head of Junior School – Curriculum and Innovation