SPA Update

Year 12 Care Packs

We would like to wish our Year 12 students all the best with their upcoming exams. We put together a rejuvenation kit for our hard working students following their English exam and wish them all the best for the rest of the exams.

Quaerite Dinner 

This past fortnight SPA were busy supporting the Quaerite dinner last Friday. 


Thank you to all our wonderful families who donated into the raffle. There are so many generous contributions. A big congratulations to the winners here.


At the Quaerite dinner, SPA set up fun activities and raffles for those attending. The winners received either a week’s accommodation in Blairgowrie, two nights in Anglesea, a dermal voucher or a restaurant voucher. It is safe to say these were incredibly popular and congratulations to our lucky winners.  


A huge thank you to all involved in making this happen, in particular Nicola, Maeve and Lisa.  

Second Hand Uniform Shop 

Term 4 

Every Monday, 3.15pm - 3.45pm during term times. 


If any parents would like to volunteer for the Second Hand Uniform shop, please get in touch with   


If you would like to donate your clothing, Uniforms can be dropped to the Uniform sale each Monday or to Reception during school hours. All items must be laundered, clean and in saleable condition. 

Parent Working Groups 

We would like to thank the parents for their incredible passion, support, and willingness to invest their time and expertise in support of the school.  


Updates from the SPA Working Groups can be found on Shelly here:  


Andy Langridge  

President, SPA Committee