Music News

Head of Music
Instrumental Lessons
A few reminders for students regarding instrumental lessons:
- Please check your lesson times carefully each week, and again the day before the lesson. Write yourself a reminder if you need it so you remember to attend (or if you use a BYOD, set a reminder using a calendar app such as Outlook).
- If you will miss a lesson please see your teacher or send your teacher an e-mail in advance. In some cases, the lesson time may be able to be re-arranged but this is not always possible.
- Please ensure you complete regular practice as advised by your teacher. Some teachers will write practice requirements in the Compass lesson plan, so please check this.
Junior and Intermediate Concert 2023
We have now had our final major concert of the year, our Junior and Intermediate Concert. Well done to all the musicians on some wonderful performances. Particularly well done to the group “String Cheese”, which was entirely student-organsed! If you missed it, the livestream is still available here, and there are a couple of photos from the event below.
Renewal Forms for 2024
The date for renewal forms being returned for 2024 has now passed. If you missed getting your form on but still wish to re-enrol, please contact me as soon as possible, as places will start being allocated to new students from next week.
Music Student Leadership in 2024
Applications are now open for various student leadership positions within the instrumental music program for 2024. Please see the information on Compass newsfeed. The closing data for music captains is Monday November 20th. Closing dates for other roles vary.