
…the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness.
Resilience is the process and outcome of successfully adapting to difficult or challenging life experiences, especially through mental, emotional, and behavioural flexibility and adjustment to external and internal demands.
Beaumaris Primary School students have been building Resilience all week in so many different ways.
The year 5 and 4 students have adapted very well to different work spaces and at times moving around the school. Delivering work tubs to one space and working in another has prepared them well for life at secondary school! Year 5’s and 6's have also been involved with the Life Saving program and then a transition program to Beaumaris Secondary school… adapting well to end of year assessments at school, Life Saving activities at the beach to science and food tech at the secondary school.
The Junior school prep to year 2 have had a change to their regular routine enjoying the rigorous swimming program and having recess snack and lunch at different times. We all know how exhausting a 9 day swimming program can be for the students but I must say they are coping very well so far.
Year 3 students developed their resilience and skills at camp. Resilience to try something different, go outside their comfort zone, have a go and try again, eat something a little different, sleep with a new friends away from family and home and to develop independence. Camp is such an incredible experience and our students showed team spirit, collaboration, cooperation and responsibility.
Life at school is certainly diverse with so many wonderful opportunities to develop and grow.
We are so very proud of the strong, competent and Resilient students we have at our school who can adapt to difficult and challenging experiences.