
Education News

Mrs Isabella Barbera

Religious Education Coordinator

Mission Week 2023

Thank you to all the teachers and students at St Francis Xavier for taking part in the various Mission Week activities over the past fortnight. The students dressed in blue, wore silly socks and took part in an exciting lolly guessing competition. The winners will be announced early next week. It was wonderful that many students were involved in the various activities and encouraged each other to share God's love and open our hearts to others. 


We have raised $2220.50, which will be donated to Caritas Australia. Thank you to our SFX community for living our school motto - Serviam. 


All Souls Day 

November is dedicated to the Faithful Departed, those who have gone before us marked with the sign of faith, awaiting the glory of the Resurrection. In particular, November 2nd is All Souls Day. On this day, many people celebrate their loved ones who have passed away. We can remember the faithful departed by visiting the cemetery, lighting a candle at mass in honour of them or cooking a meal that reminds you of them. You could even participate in an activity they loved during their time on earth, such as playing music or a game they enjoyed. 

Let us take this time to pause, reflect and remember all the special people who have left us. 

Remembrance Day 2023 


Next Saturday, 11 November is Remembrance Day, a day we remember all the men and women who fought and died in wars to keep us free. This day commemorates the signing of the peace agreement that ended World War One at 11 am on 11 November 1918. 


The red poppy symbolises both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. It was the first flower to bloom on the devastated battlefields. 


The students will be taking part in a prayer on Friday to honour the memory of those who served in the war. 

You are invited to join us on Friday 10th of November at 8:50 am to remember and acknowledge these brave individuals who fought for Australia. 


Ever-living God, 

We remember those whom you have gathered from the storm of war into the peace of your presence;  May that same peace calm our fears, bring justice to all peoples and establish harmony among the nations, Through Jesus Christ our Lord 



Grade Masses

Throughout this term, grade masses will be taking place at 9:15am. These masses are prepared and organised by classroom teachers. Parents and parishioners are welcome to attend the celebrations. 

Please see the grade masses below: 

  • Kindergarten and Stage 3 - Thursday 9 November 
  • Stage 2 - Friday 17 November
  • Stage 1 (Liturgy) - Friday 24 November