Assistant Principal's 


Ms Fiona Scullion

Assistant Principal (acting)

World Teachers Day


This lovely prayer was sent to our teachers from the Friends of Francis community on World Teachers Day to acknowledge their hard work and dedication to the students of St Francis Xavier. 

Our staff began their day on Friday by coming together for 8am mass. Fr Richard blessed each teacher, thanking them for the meaningful vocation that they had chosen. We were very grateful for the beautiful morning tea we shared courtesy of the Year 4 parents. Thank you to everyone who made us feel special and appreciated. 


Pupil Free Day 

As outlined in the term four dates, there will be a pupil-free day on Friday 3rd November

 2023. Our teachers will spend the day in collaboration with their peers to discuss some professional development they have recently undertaken. They will also focus on programming and planning for the rest of the term with a focus on the new English and Mathematics curriculum. We have a staff who are committed to ensuring that all students reach their potential. 

Even though we are coming to the end of the school year, teachers will continue to ensure that our students will keep on learning, achieving and thriving right up until the last day of term.


Kind regards,

Fiona Scullion

Acting Assistant Principal