SLC Camp Highlights

SLC Camp 

The grade 5/6 children, Mr Steve Evans, Mrs Jenni Kilkenny, Mrs Rebecca Taylor and Mr Justin Buttigieg set off with much excitement and anticipation on Monday morning for the much anticipated 5/6 Camp to Alexandra Adventure Resort....

 There was beautiful scenery...


So many exciting activities like swimming, rafting, archery, giant swing, flying fox and rock climbing...

Campfire Activities & roasting marshmallows...

A wildlife show....

..and even a Birthday celebration...


Everyone had a fantastic time and really enjoyed their time away....but of course were very happy to be home on Wednesday afternoon. Welcome home Campers!

Student Camp Reflections


This year the 2023 camp to Alexandra Adventure Resort was sensational. It was packed with fun activities and games. Some of the activities that we had the opportunity of doing were crate stacking, flying fox, rock climbing, swimming, gaga ball, night walk, trivia, camp fire, raft building and many more. We went with the year six’s of St Bridget’s. Many of us made meaningful connections and bonds with them. The food at Alexandra Adventure Resort was pretty good. We got six servings of food: breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner and dessert. Some of the meals we got were pancakes, cereal, chicken schnitzel, baked potato, chocolate mousse, ice-cream, brownies and more. St Bridget's school and Holy Saviour school split into three groups for all the games activities. The team names were called M&M's Jelly Bellies and Skittles. We did two night activities which were a night walk and a trivia night. On the first night we went for a night walk so we could find sticks to roast marshmallows at the campfire. On the second night we had a trivia night. My favourite activity was the Flying Fox because I was scared at first, but after I did it I really enjoyed it. I also loved the raft building because it was a great opportunity to get to know the other schools and make bonds with them. All in all it was a great experience for all of us and we really enjoyed it.



The 5/6’s and eight students from St Bridgets travelled to the Alexandra Adventure Resort for a three day camp earlier this week. One of the most popular activities we did was go over a lake on a flying fox. My favourite activity was crate-stacking where students have on a harness, then get hoisted up as they stack as many crates as possible onto each other and have to balance on the tower of crates as it gets taller. Two other students are spotters and keep placing more crates on. I stacked 10 crates!

Tom G.


The Year 5/6’s went to Alexandra Adventure Resort for camp and it was spectacular! Some of the activities we did were the flying fox, raft building, giant swing, crate stacking and we also got to play around in the camp resort swimming pool. For me crate stacking was the hardest activity because the crates were really wobbly and hard to climb. My favourite part of camp was the giant swing because you got to go up so high and you would just drop. Camp Alexandra also provided us with tasty food like pasta, chicken schnitzel, fruit and cakes. Camp Alexandra was really fun for all of us!




Our trip to Alexandra Adventure Resort was so fun and exciting. When we first arrived at camp we got straight into it. There were 3 groups: M&Ms, Skittles and Jellybelly’s.


I was in the M&Ms and our first activity was the swimming pool, it was cold, but so much fun. Our second activity was the flying fox, I was a bit scared at first but then I tried it and it was so fun we all got 3 tries at it. Our last activity for the day was rock climbing, I wasn’t very good at it but a couple of people got to the very top.


For dinner on the first day we had pasta with garlic bread which was very yummy. At 7:00PM that night we had a night-walk and roasted marshmallows. My cabin for the night was me, Miller, Charlie, Nicholas, and Giuseppe. On the second day the highlights for me were the giant swing which was very enjoyable and the orienteering.


On the second night we did trivia. Our categories were Australian history, Music, Sports and General knowledge. On the last day we had a wildlife show with spiders, snakes and even a turtle. Overall our trip to Alexandra adventure park was very successful and something we will never forget!
