Principals' Message

Hello parents and friends,
We hope that you had a relaxing long weekend and enjoyed the warm weather with family and friends. On Monday, our teaching staff were busy analysing student work and writing Semester 2 reports. It was a very productive day and the Semester 2 reports will be published on Friday 15th December. We are really looking forward to our Colour Explosion Fun Run on Monday afternoon! If you haven’t provided consent for your child to participate please do so immediately on Compass.
Today, we commemorated Remembrance Day at Templestowe Park. Our school leaders led the ceremony and they explained to our students the sacrifices so many people made for our freedom and why Remembrance Day takes place on the 11th of November. We would like to thank them for the fine job they did today.
Have a wonderful weekend!
2023 Victorian Education Excellence Awards (VEEA)
Last Friday night we attended the VEEA at the Plaza Ballroom in the city. It was an extremely prestigious event with the Deputy Secretary of the Education Department Dr. David Howes, hosting and the Hon. Ben Carrol MP (Minister of Education) in attendance. We were nominated as a finalist in the category for The Outstanding Provision for High-Ability Students. Unfortunately, we did not win the award, that went to Daylesford Primary School. However, we were one of four schools out of the thousands of primary schools in Victoria to be named a finalist in this award.
We are so proud of our school, students, teachers and entire learning community. This is an area that we have focussed on extensively over the last five years and to be acknowledged for our great work is so rewarding. Congratulations TPPS!
PFA Colour Explosion Fun Run! Monday, 13th November: 2:00 -3.15pm
Fundraising for our Colour Explosion Fun Run is going very well and we can’t wait for Monday.
The Fun Run will raise money for the school to continue to improve our playground facilities, however, all students will participate (provided consent has been given via Compass), regardless of whether they have raised money or not. Students who raise money will have the opportunity to earn student incentive prizes.
Students will wear old clothing for the day (not their school uniform). For full effect of colour students should wear an old white T-shirt or purchase a cheap white T-shirt for the event. Plain white T-shirts can be purchased at Kmart for $4.00.
Holi Colour Powder will be used for the run. These powders are non-toxic, non-flammable, environmentally friendly and skin safe and are made of 98% corn starch and 2% permitted colours.
Donations Money can be donated through the booklet being handed out to all students or online. The booklet contains information on how to set up an online fundraising profile. Please go to to set up your child's profile.
Fundraising Timeline: Fundraising finishes on the 13/11/23.
Prize Ordering: Prize orders open on the 14/11/2023 and close on 20/11/2023. To order prizes, you need to set up an online profile for your child at
Consent Must Be Given: Students can only participate in the Fun Run if consent has been given by parents and this needs to be done via the Compass portal. It is one that you will need to provide consent for if you wish your child to participate. Alternatively, you can “decline” for your child if you do not wish them to take part in the event.
Some things to note:
- All participating students will NOT wear their school uniform on Monday.
- All students who are participating, are to wear a WHITE shirt – not their school uniform.
- Students can wear an old hat and NOT their school hat on Monday.
- The PFA will also supply sunglasses for the fun run so the powder stays out of the students’ eyes.
- Parents of students with asthma are advised to be careful in their decision to participate.
Please see Compass to provide consent for your child to participate in our colour explosion Fun Run and for further information. We can’t wait for the event! Our students are going to have an amazing time.
2024 Parent Payments: Please Make Your Payment by Monday, 11 December
You will notice on your Compass Newsfeed, under Course Confirmation, that the 2024 Parent Payments are available to be paid. The process on how to pay the charges is outlined in the 2024 TPPS Parent Payment letter on Compass.
Thank you to those families who have made contributions thus far. These contributions provide our students with educational support, facilities, grounds and opportunities that we simply could not offer without your generous support. This has included the brand new Grade 1/2 playground that has just been completed. If you have any further queries, please contact the school office.
Ms Conn's Latest Book! You can buy on Amazon!
Ms Conn and the students of TPPS have been on a bit of a journey together this year!
Way back at the end of March, Ms Conn broke her arm falling down some steps at home. When she came back to school, everyone wanted to know how it happened.
Well, the real story was very short and very boring, so Ms Conn’s story got more and more silly.
The spark of an idea was born – let’s make a book about these silly stories.
So over 5 months, Ms Conn has been bringing illustrations into school, and getting more great ideas from students to add to her story.
Now the book is finally finished and published!
There is a big copy in the library and one in the foyer, but if you would like to buy your own copy, you can get one on Just search for “How I Broke My Arm” by Lori Conn.
Happy reading!
Class Placement Forms for 2024
The electronic 2024 Class Placement Form can now be accessed at the following address.
The placement form provides you with the opportunity to share information about your child’s academic, behavioural, physical or social factors which you would like us to consider when deciding class placements. The personal information provided is treated confidentially and will only be viewed by the principal team.
This form is not to be used to request a particular teacher or for friendship groups. Students will have an opportunity to nominate five friends and are guaranteed to be placed with at least one of them.
Please complete the form (by clicking on the link above) by Friday, 17th November. Late responses cannot be accepted as the classroom placement process begins immediately after this date.
The selection of classes is a long and considered process with many factors considered when making a decision. The submission of this form does not guarantee the request, however, the information contained will be considered.
TPPS Annual Christmas Concert
Wednesday, 6th December 5:00 – 7:00pm
Our Christmas Concert is set to take place on Wednesday, 6th December. The night will kick off at 5:00pm with the concert being held on the synthetic courts from 5:30pm. All year levels will sing a Christmas carol and there may even be a special visitor from the North Pole.
All families are invited to bring a picnic dinner and enjoy the company of the school community before the concert begins at 5:30pm.
We are looking forward to sharing a fun and festive night with you all!
2024 Prep Transition
We have now completed three out of four Prep transition sessions and we
have had a fantastic time with our new students. The 2024 Prep students have been visiting the different Prep teachers and sharing their classroom experiences with new students each week. At the final Prep transition on Thursday 23rd November, our students will spend a session with their 2024 Prep teacher and classmates. It is such an exciting time for our Preps and their parents and we look forward to this amazing group commencing their learning journey at TPPS in 2024.
Principals’ Award
At our last assembly we were so pleased to present the Principals’ Award to Lowgethan K in Grade 5D. Lowgethan is a student that exemplifies all of the school values. He loves to learn and is always looking for ways he can extend himself, especially in Maths where he has completed VHAP and Mrs. Le Cerf’s program this year. Lowgethan consistently tries his best no matter what the task, persisting when faced with challenges. He can always be relied upon to be responsible by remembering his homework book, keeping his belongings organised and reminding his teacher when she forgets important things. Lowgethan treats his peers with kindness and respect at all times, and teachers often comment on his impeccable manners. He is an excellent role model for his peers and we are very lucky to have him in Grade 5. Awesome effort, Lowgethan!
School Hats in Term 4
All students are required to wear school hats from the commencement of Term 4. If you need to buy a new one, please visit the uniform shop. We are a SunSmart school and we have a ‘no hat no play’ policy.
Are you Leaving Templestowe Park in 2024?
We ask that you let us know if you are moving or have enrolled at another school in 2024. We require this information as soon as possible in order to establish grade structures for the start of the new school year. If your child is currently in Grades Prep to 5 and will not be at Templestowe Park in 2024, please notify the school office in writing as soon as possible.
Mark Roberts Brian Cleary Robyn Twyford