News of the Week

Dear St Brigid's Families
Welcome to this week's Student Newsletter.
Year 1/2 Mass
This week the Year 1/2 celebrated Family Mass on Sunday. Here is what some of our Year 1/2 students had to say.
Levi P -1/2E
How was your Mass on Sunday?
It was very good because I had a speaking part and I felt very confident.
What happened during the Mass?
Fr Andrew was talking about prayers and what we might like to be when we grow up.
How did you feel during the Mass?
I felt excited to talk but as soon as I got up there I got a bit nervous.
Milla A - 1/2Y
How was the Mass?
The Mass was really fun because I got to sit next to my friend. I loved getting the blessing.
What was the mass for?
Parents to see my work for religion and also to listen to Fr Andrew
Amelia A - 1S
How was Mass on Sunday?
What did you do at Mass?
We sat down and listened to the priest.
What did the priest talk about?
He talked about the bible.
What was your favourite part about Mass?
My favourite part was when we sang in church.
Year F - 2 Science incursion and Holograms
On Monday the F-2 students participated in a really fun science incursion with Carmen from Inquisitive Kids. They had a great time exploring light, sound and forces with lots of hands-on experiments.
Jameson F - FR:
What did you do?
We learnt about static electricity by putting a balloon on our head. This made our hair spikey. We also used magnets and did an entertaining activity with them.
What was your favourite part?
Playing with the magnets was my favourite part.
Overall: It was really fun and very educational.
Riley G - FR:
What did you do?
We explored science. We used magnets and we also did a light activity making a rainbow.
Overall: It was really fun and I learnt lots of science things.
Milla A - 1/2Y
What did you do?
We tested a lot of experiments and also made a prediction before the experiments. These experiments include magnets, metal and tin foil.
Year 5/6 Lifesaving
Max O - 5H
What did you learn?
I learnt about a few pieces of equipment that save lives including some from the olden days.
How could you use this new information?
The information I learnt at lifesaving really gave me a better understanding of where to swim.
What are you looking forward to in the next session?
I am looking forward to learning about the various ways of how to save people in the water.
Toby L - 6D
What did you learn?
I learnt a lot about rips and about what equipment we would use to save someone.
How could you use this new information?
I could use this new information if someone is hurt or in danger at the beach.
What are you looking forward to in the next session?
I am looking forward to learning about CPR and going in the water with the lifeguards.
Year 6 Leadership Day at St Louis
On Monday we went to St Louis de Montfort's to participate in our final Leadership Day. Here are some of our thoughts:
Archie Z: I enjoyed the happiness and joy the day brought.
Grace W: Leadership was amazing. I made new friends and I learnt the responsibility of being a leader. There was a lot of teamwork. Even though I found the teamwork challenging, I learnt a lot from the experience and I found it fun.
Joshua B: It was a memorable and an exciting event.
Tabitha C - I enjoyed the teamwork and friendship. It was fun getting to hang out with my friends from different schools and being able to do my presentation with my leadership group.
Oriarna P: I found Leadership challenging, but really fun. It was full of laughter, responsibility and excitement.
House Colour Lunch
Today we had our House Lunch where we all got together to have lunch with our friends from our house colour. It was the perfect day to enjoy lunch outside.
Running Club
Running club this week
Laps run = 173
Km run = 8.7km
Total Km = 257km
We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy passing Wangaratta
We are 74km away from Albury
COME ON EVERYONE!! join us Tuesday morning at 8:15am. Help us get those final laps in so that we make it to Albury for Christmas. It would be pretty boring to have to camp on the Hume over Christmas instead of enjoying all Albury has to offer!!
Thank You to St Bedes
We thank the St Bedes 'Vocational Major' students for creating our new planter box. Here is the impressive result.
News from the Social and Fundraising Team
It's only ONE WEEK until our Colour Run!!!
Thank you to everyone who has signed up so far and started fundraising for the Colour Explosion Run for Fun, so far we have raised $1,680 which is fantastic. If you haven’t already, don’t forget to sign up and start fundraising Fundraising will close 1st of December.
Colour Explosion Run4Fun will take place next Friday the 1st of December at 2pm on the oval across the road with a fun obstacle course set up. Please send your children to school that day in their white clothes with a touch of their house colour as they will be separated into their house groups. Old clothes are good as they will get coloured. Please remember if you want to get coloured wear a WHITE T-SHIRT. If you DO NOT want to be coloured you must wear a BLACK t-shirt. Each child will receive a colourful pair of sunglasses and headband on the day. Parents are more then welcome to come and watch or wear white yourself and join in on the fun! The run will conclude at 3:15pm and each child will be given a zooper dooper.
We are also very excited for the end of year Christmas Carols on Friday the 8th of December with some fun activities organised. We are seeking volunteers to help at our Christmas Carol Night. If you can spare half an hour we would love your help. Click here to sign up.
Thank you,