Resource Centre

The Resource Centre has continued to be a hub of activity with Monday lunchtime board games, daily social chess challenges as well as individual and group reading, tutorials and homework and study sessions.

Another collection of new books is currently on display and ready for borrowing. As we get closer to the holidays students are reminded to either have their borrowed books extended through the holidays or return books before the end of Term. Students are able to borrow books for the holidays so it is a great time to start collecting those books of interest to enjoy over the holiday break. 

Reminder notices for overdue books, to be returned to the Resource Centre, were again sent to Parents and students the week of the 13th November. Those students with overdue book/s have until Friday 26th November to return the book/s, after which details will be sent to the Finance Department for the processing of invoices for the full cost of the non-returned books. The book/s must be returned in good order otherwise the replacement cost of the book/s will be applied.


“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading" (Lena Dunham, writer, director, actress, and producer).


Dr Sandra Cox-Townend  | Teacher Librarian