
Prayer for Peace in the Holy Land

God of mercy and compassion,

of grace and reconciliation,

pour your power upon all your children in the Middle East:

Jews, Muslims, and Christians,

Palestinians and Israelis.

Let hatred be turned into love, fear to trust, despair to hope,

oppression to freedom, occupation to liberation,

that violent encounters may be replaced by loving embraces,

and peace and justice could be experienced by all.



Prayer for Justice and Peace

God of all creation, bring justice and peace to our world.

Teach us to be peacemakers. Guide us in our pursuit of

justice and the common good. Inspire us to welcome all, forgive

all, and love all. Direct us as we walk in the shadow of Jesus: the

Way, the Truth, and the Life. Inspire us to perceive the world

through your eyes, that we might find hope and joy each day,

supportive of each other, for the sake of your Kingdom.


The Vinnies Christmas appeal is now upon us. The Senior SRC have come up with a few ideas around promoting the Vinnies appeal and ensuring that as a community we support the good work of St Vincent De Paul this Christmas. All students are encouraged to support this appeal by bringing in either money or an item for a present to their homegroup over the next three weeks. The SRC will also be going around homegroups selling Candy Canes to raise funds to purchase items for the Christmas appeal. We also have a mufti day coming up on… that will be a grocery item donation to support families in need this Christmas. Being a Catholic school we are called to support those in need. It is also a practical way of living out our school values of Faith, Compassion and Justice. Please be generous in supporting this appeal for those in need this Christmas.


On 23rd of November we will be having a Commissioning Mass for the new members of the Senior SRC in our school chapel. Please join us in praying for these students that they may truly be servant leaders, placing the good of the whole school community at the centre of all that they do. We are confident that these students will do a fantastic job. Recently they presented at a school assembly their goals for the year which are centred around two key ideas of increased participation and care for our common home.


On 21st of November we will be gathering as a school to celebrate the life and work of Nano Nagle and the Presentation Sisters. This will be a student-led liturgy to mark the significant contribution made by these women of faith to the education of children and young people both here in Australia and across the globe. Another significant event will happen on the same day around the handing over of the heritage centre to the Diocese. Next year we will celebrate 150 years since the Presentation Sisters arrived in Wagga Wagga and plans are well underway to mark this special date with several schools planning to send representatives to Kildare for the celebrations on the designated weekend.


As we prepare for the end of the school year and to enter into the Season of Advent let's keep in mind the people of the Holy Land. These are the people to whom Christ was entrusted and lived when he took on human flesh. Please join with Christians, Jews and Muslims all over the world who are praying for peace in the Holy Land. 


Kieran Udy | Leader Of Mission & Faith Formation.