Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition 2023

For over two decades, this wonderful exhibition has provided a space for young artists aged 10 to 25 with a connection to Bayside to showcase their work. 


A total of 85 stunning and diverse pieces of art were submitted for the Young People of Bayside Art Exhibition, (which was held in the Bayside City Council offices in Sandringham), making it yet another successful year in celebrating the emerging young artists in Bayside.


The theme for the exhibition was "Breaking the Mould," in which entrants challenged norms, pushed boundaries, and celebrated diversity.


On the recommendation of Mrs. Jones, one of our talented students, Abby P in 5A, entered this competition in the “Younger Years 10 – 13” category and she won first prize! Congratulations Abby! You are such a talented artist and a very worthy winner of this excellent art competition.


Younger years 10 -13

First prize

Abby P, 11, ‘Winged Angel’, Pastel pencil


“This painting is about an angel and her 

feet are on heaven, so I wrote a poem 

about it to describe her patience”


“In the forest of my mind, a white cat I see,

With wings that stretch out, wild and free,

Her spirit soars just like my own,

Together we dance, we’re never alone. 

As we celebrate life in all its form

Our souls intertwined, forever reborn.”