Student Awards Week 7

Students of the Week

 Alfie E, PA - for always starting his day with a smile, positive attitude and resilience to achieve your goals. Prep A are so lucky to have you in our class. Well done!!


Mert G, 3B - for the resilience you have shown not being able to swim this week. You have shown such maturity! 



Kyrah K, 1A - for her kind, caring and respectful manner towards her peers and consistently displaying the HERRRby values in the classroom and the playground. What a superstar!


Annika H, 5A - for demonstrating beautiful, kind and caring behaviour both in and out of the classroom.


Green HERRRBY Award

Maddie M, 2A - for exceptional efforts in maintaining a clean school environment. Her commitment to tidiness sets a positive example for her classmates!



Eden B, PB - for being a Mathematical wizard and demonstrating great counting skills in Money. You’re a Superstar! 


Chloe A, 1A - for her interesting facts, use of labels and beautifully illustrated report book on butterflies. What a wonderful author you are!


Olivia C, 1B -  for the wonderful writing you have done this term. Your information reports and narratives have both been excellent!


Oliver G, 1C - for his enthusiastic participation during our Butterfly Adventures incursion. You shared some great facts!


Adele L, 1D - for writing a factual information report about butterflies and including labels, diagrams and wonderful illustrations. Great work, Adele!



Ava B, 2A - for her outstanding work in persuasive writing. Her ability to articulate compelling arguments and effectively convey her ideas is truly amazing. Well done!


Ollie S, 2B - for his incredibly persuasive letter to Mrs Hall trying to convince her to get a swimming pool at Gardenvale PS. Well done Ollie!


Millie L, 2C - for your wonderful persuasive presentation on why dogs are the best. You spoke with so much confidence. Well done!


Aiden L, 2D - for trying hard with his homework and showing pride and improvement in the presentation of his work.


Evie V, 3A - for putting in 100% all year. You are a super star Evie!


Ruby B, 3C -  for always being willing to help others. Your kindness helps make our class a lovely place to be!


Henry D, 4A - for being so resilient and working hard even with a broken arm! 


Ariella D, 4B - for fitting in so beautifully to life at GPS. We’re glad you’ve joined us!


Yasmine S, 4C - for producing an amazing text highlighting the exceptional attributes of Gardenvale Primary School. Go Yasmine!


Seth M, 4D - for writing an exciting and compelling persuasive text on adopting a pet monkey. Well done!


Ivy L, 5A -  For her outstanding rebuttals during class parliament! Well done, Ivy!


Ryder M, 5C - for impressing both his teacher and peers with incredible facts during the inquiry.


Alfie U, 5D - for being empathetic and showing maturity in the playground and classroom.


Jeremy I, 6A - for being a wonderful book club member this year. You have been a diligent reader and connected with all texts. 


Adrian M, 6A - for making an effort in all tasks and always pushing himself to do his best. 


Tyson C, 6B - For always using beautiful manners and having a caring attitude towards his peers and his teachers.


Kira P, 6C - for her excellent progress and achievements in writing. Your work is a pleasure to read. 


Angus H, 6D - for the excellence of all his literacy and numeracy work and for his very quick thinking in challenging situations. 



Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Gemma T, PD - for being an enthusiastic participant and having fun in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!"


Mimi Z, 1B - for always showing great interest and responding to Japanese questions well.  すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Leo M, 2C - for fantastic focus skills and his great contribution to the class in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Daniella L, 3C - for always being a keen participant and working hard during the lesson. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Aria B, 4B - for showing great confidence in reading aloud a Japanese sentence during the web exchange with a Japanese school. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Leo T, 5C - for showing consistent engagement and great contributions during the Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Will S, 6C - for showing calm manners and responding to questions well during the Japanese lesson. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!