Student Awards Week 6

Students of the Week

Meja F, 2D - for always putting 100% into all she does, being a cooperative class member and always displaying outstanding behaviour.


Benji M, 6A - for being a kind and inclusive friend, and a diligent worker.



Arlo S, PD - for bringing a wealth of knowledge to the zoo excursion, your insights benefitted us all. 


Dylan B, 4A - for being resilient and always working hard to learn new complex maths problems! I’m so proud of you!


Green HERRRBY Award

Yossi G, 1D - for your amazing effort with rubbish free lunches and helping us to try to win the Golden Lunchbox award each week.



Lucy M, PA - for being a great role model for the class in demonstrating our HERRRby values everyday. What a superstar!


Ryan G, PC - for being an incredible active listener and always trying his absolute best. Keep it up, legend! 


Gal R, 1A - for her outstanding listening and participation during our ‘Butterfly Adventure’ in-visit. She asked so many excellent questions.


Mia P, 1B - for approaching all tasks with a positive ‘can do,’ attitude. You have produced some terrific work as a result.


Brooklyn P, 2A - for his outstanding friendship qualities. You're a true beacon of kindness and support, making our school a better place for everyone. Congratulations!


Quinn W, 2B - for being an exceptional student who strives to do her best consistently. You are an invaluable asset to 2B! Keep it up!


Harper S, 2C - for being such a huge help in the classroom. You are a great role model for your friends. Keep it up!


Darby H, 4B - for being a fabulous member of Thursday Book Club with your contributions to discussions.


Zoe J, 4C - For her strategically well written persuasive text to convince Mr Tan into letting her use green pen for a week.


Izzie H, 4D - for thinking of great arguments to persuade families that Gardenvale is the best school of all time!


Joubert P, 5A - for his well presented, persuasive arguments during class parliament.


Will M, 5B - for making a supreme effort with his handwriting. Well done Will.


Wilba G, 5C - for consistently putting forth his best effort in every task that he encounters.


Zoe T, 5D - for her powerful persuasive arguments during our class parliament. 


Talia C, 6A - for always being willing to help others. Your kindness helps make our class a lovely place to be!


Angelica I, 6B - for not being a bystander. You have shown great strength of character and upheld the values of Gardenvale. Congratulations!


Sarah V, 6C - for always being an excellent role model. You continue to quietly achieve excellent results in all that you do at school. 


Elaine V, 6D - for her excellence in literacy and maths and for always taking a mindful and enthusiastic approach to whatever we are studying with our inquiry work. 




Japanese Ninja Star Awards

Ollie R, PC - for Showing great manners and participating in activities enthusiastically in


 Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Georgie C, 1A - for always showing fantastic manners and sharing her good understanding of Japanese with her peers. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Alice P, 2A - for showing a positive learning attitude and working hard in Japanese class. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Lorelei S, 3A - for always showing enthusiasm in learning Japanese and working hard during the lesson. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Dylan B, 4 - for bringing positive energy to the lesson and showing the best effort in Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Nancy F, 5AY - for showing consistent engagement and consistent contributions. Nancy has greatly enriched our Japanese learning environment. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Ella G, 6B - for her willingness to participate in activities even though it sounds a little challenging. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!