Principal's Message

Mrs Kaileen Carr

Last Friday our Stage 2 students travelled to The Sydney Zoo at Eastern Creek. The excursion was fabulous and all the students had a fantastic time. Thank you to the Stage 2 staff who organised this wonderful educational excursion for our students. 


As we move into organisation for 2024 I will be asking our school community to provide some feedback regarding numerous activities across our school. We value your feedback and will be looking closely at anything you have to say so we can strive to make Eglinton PS better than it already is.


Friday marks WORLD TEACHERS DAY. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the hard working teachers at Eglinton PS. They go above and beyond to educate, inspire and 

support all our students.


Next week on Friday we are looking forward to welcoming all our 2024 Kindergarten students. If your child is due to commence school in 2024 please contact the school office to enrol.


Congratulations to our new P&C Executive following the AGM on Tuesday. 

President : Kirsten Owen

Vice President :  

Secretary : Hayley Toohey

Treasurer : Emma Jensen


We have an opening for a Vice President. If you are interested in stepping into this role or finding out more please email


I look forward to working with you all over the next 12 months.



Eglinton Public School attendance as at 26th October 2023

Last Week: 90.5%

This week: 90.6%

Goal: 95%

Did you know that for your child to achieve an attendance rate of 95% each term they should have no more than 2 days off. 


You can check your child's attendance rate on the Sentral Parents App. Click on their photo, select 'Student Details' and click on 'Attendance'. Our expected student attendance rate is above 95%. To maintain an attendance rate of above 90% a student should have no more than 5 days off a term. 


Thank you for supporting us in reaching our attendance goal. The data above shows our current student attendance for the last week. Please ensure you contact the school via the Sentral Parent Portal if your child has a day off to explain their absence.