Year Eight

As we come to the end of the school year, the year Eight students have finished delving into Earth Science and completed the unit by watching Dante's Peak. This gave them a dramatised idea of what happens during a volcanic eruption.
The year Eights have worked diligently this year and should all be proud of their efforts. We look forward to them returning next year on our new campus. The laboratory for next year, is going to be a great learning space.
We would like to wish all the year Eights and their families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope they come back refreshed and ready to learn next year!
Wood Technology
As the Term has now come to a close, Year Eight students have completed each stage of the design cycle and all have a Wireless Charging Side Table to show for their efforts. I would like to thank all students for their hard work this year and are looking forward to our classes and what they will be able to create in 2024.
¡Feliz Navidad!
During the last two weeks, Year 8 students watched the film Coco and explored how the film represents aspects of the Day of the Dead celebration that students learnt about earlier in Term 4.
Students were able to make connections between real-life traditions that Mexican people use to celebrate Día de los Muertos, as well as a fantastical exploration of some of the legends and beliefs behind the festival. The storyline, visuals, and soundtrack made for an exciting couple of lessons.
To wrap up the year, Year 8 students have also been exploring some of the different Christmas and end-of- year traditions in Spanish-speaking countries all over the world. Some of those traditions include el Tío Nadal, la Flor de Nochebuena, cultural foods such as pupusas, and seasonal songs called 'villancicos'.
Students also had the opportunity to watch one of Coca-Cola's annual holiday ads in Spanish, as well as some different versions of one of the most popular Christmas carols in Spanish: Mi Burrito Sabanero.
From the Saltwater Spanish team, we wish you all a safe and relaxing holidays spent with friends and family. I can't wait to see all the Year 9 students back at school next year, ready and eager to continue with their Spanish learning journey.
¡Espero que pasen todos unas felices vacaciones!
Profesora Hewat
It has been another amazing year of learning from our Year Eight students in Humanities.
Their teachers have loved watching them develop their critical thinking skills and demonstrate their understanding of the world and why it is important to learn from the world and the people that came before us.
When asked, students mentioned the following topics as highlights for the year:
- The Plague
- Medieval Europe
- Norse Mythology
- Social Justice/Civil Rights
- Revolutions
- Economics
- Biomes
We wish all students a safe and joyous holiday time, and look forward to seeing them all back in the New Year.
Outdoor Education
During this term, the Year Eight students delved into the intricacies of mapping skills, crafting their own orienteering maps for a challenging course. In addition to mastering abseiling safety protocols, they embarked on an exciting excursion to the You Yangs, where they actively engaged in the thrill of abseiling. The collective sentiment among the students was one of genuine enjoyment, reflecting the success of their enriching experiences.
On behalf of the Outdoor Education team, we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Maths: Year 8
As we bring the year to a conclusion, the Year 8 students have been enriched by engaging in numerous activities in Mathematics. They were involved in problem-solving, statistical investigations, calculator calculations and mental recollection. From their report comments and progression points we can see that students have made encouraging progress.
Students have gained access to important mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills that they will draw on in their personal and professional lives. In their mathematical journey, students were encouraged to see themselves as lifelong learners, which will support them in further study and research in many aspects of life.
We have made many links to other subjects to make learning engaging and relevant. For example, in Geography the interpretation of data underpins the study of human populations and their physical environments. In History, students need to be able to imagine timelines and time frames to reconcile related events and in English, deriving quantitative, logical and spatial information is an important aspect of making meaning of texts. Through emphasising these points, students are aware of the importance of understanding the many uses of mathematics.
With the opening of our second campus, the students are encouraged to refresh their understanding of the various concepts taught over the previous two years. Students are now embarking on their final journey of Naplan and will complete the Year 9 Naplan assessment late in Term 1 of 2024. The Maths team wishes the students the best in their future endeavours.