Year Five

Dear Year Five families,
What an amazing year we have had! Can you believe that Year Five is over for 2023! The Year Five teachers are so incredibly proud of every one of our students and we wish them all the success moving into Year Six.
For our final assessment task, the students created a mini-exhibition. This was a highlight for students and teachers alike. This last exhibition piece tied all of the students' learning for the year together, showcasing all they have learned throughout their year five journey. Their exhibition pieces consisted of an art piece, a poem, and an artist statement. The students spent weeks researching, planning, and organising their exhibition pieces, thinking about how they could take action through art against a prominent social issue.
The Year Five teachers were blown away by the maturity, critical, and creative thinking that the students portrayed throughout this entire unit. Well done on an exceptional exhibition.
Class Party
The Year Five students have finished off the year with a class party to celebrate all things grade five! Each of the classes had a great time eating lots of food, listening to music, watching movies and just being merry. A massive thank you to all of the families for providing snacks and treats for our classes. It was so nice to just relax and spend some well-deserved time together.
Final Hoorah
The Year Five team would like to thank all of the students and their families for an amazing year. We have created so many new core memories this year that will last a lifetime. We have laughed, cried, danced, and celebrated together this year. The end of the year is always bittersweet. But we wish all of our students all the very best as they begin their Year Six journey next year.
Happy Holidays and warmest wishes for the new year!
For the final time...
Kind regards,
Mrs Kotevski, Mr Kreymborg, Mr Vella, Mrs Kaur and Ms Edie.