Year Four

Dear Year Four parents,
As the academic year of 2023 comes to an end, we would like to thank every one of you for your immense support to both the students and staff.
What a year of growth it has been, the students have grown into such mature individuals and overcome many challenges moving into the upper years.
Christmas Carols
To finalise the year the Year Fours participated in our wonderful Christmas Carols which was a huge success. It was so amazing to see each POD practise and pour their hearts out in their performances. Their hard work paid off as they all performed with grace.
Every year, we close out mathematics with a bang, concluding with Probability and Chance. After collaborating to design their own probability game, the students held their own chance fair. Everyone had a great time earning raffle tickets and tokens, which led them to a fortunate dip prize box! This was a fantastic success!
In Reading, students have continued to work on building and revising their comprehension skills using QAR in preparation for NAPLAN early next year. Students have also continued to enjoy working in small groups to perform Reader's Theatre, working on their fluency and expression.
We have been studying free writing in the context of writing. This fosters student voice and agency by giving the students the chance to research any writing style they are interested in. Seeing the enthusiasm with which they wrote was amazing. Some students wrote letters, narrative essays, argumentative writings, and journalistic texts. Of course, narrative writing was the students favourite choice.
- Monday 18th December is transition day.
- Tuesday 19th December is the last day for students.
- There is no school on Wednesday 20th December.
We wish the students a lovely summer break! They have worked extremely hard this year and deserve a long-awaited holiday.
Kind Regards,
The Year Four Team.