Year Three

Dear Year Three families,
Can you believe it? We are finally at the end of the year. It feels like yesterday when the cohort were only first entering their new classes for 2023 as a Year Three student. Now, fast forward to today, look how far they have come. We have been so proud of each and every student in our cohort. The knowledge and skills they have gained this year will now set them up on their next learning adventure as they enter Year Four in 2024. As we are all saying goodbye to our wonderful 2023 Year Three classes, it is important to also say a big thank you to all the parents and guardians of our students. Thank you for all your support and open communication, without your assistance, we would never have had such a successful year.
Students have been concluding their final two weeks of Year Three by creating their own text innovation. Over this time, students have used the mentor text, ‘Pig the Elf’ to alter core elements of the text, Eg. characters, problem or solution. From this, students followed the writing process of planning, drafting, revising, editing and publishing to create their final piece.
In our week, students have been writing letters to their new teacher, letting their 2024 teacher learn a little bit more about their hobbies and interests. Their 2024 teachers were very excited to receive these messages and wanted to pass on their appreciation and excitement to be teaching our fantastic Year Three cohort of 2023.
In Maths, students have continued with ‘chance’ expanding their knowledge of common vocabulary when categorising the likelihood of events occurring. In class, students have been linking this language to percentages on a probability number line to reinforce and make conceptual links from chance to numbers and decimals, whilst making authentic links to the real world to help support student understanding.
In Reading, students have been revising visualising and synthesising to reinforce their understanding of texts read. In visualising, the cohort created their own book based on their visualisations, brainstorming images in their head based on a passage to support their understanding. This was used to make links to how the imagery in the text has a direct connection to the front cover’s images. Later in the week they used their knowledge of imagery in the title and its connection to the text to use images in the text to visualise their own title page. The students explored specific texts connected to their Unit of Inquiry, ‘Components of ecosystems are interdependent’ where they revised non-fiction texts to synthesise the key elements of their text and to determine the theme.
In inquiry, students have now concluded our Unit of Inquiry, ‘Components of ecosystems are interdependent’. Students were learning about human interaction with our planet so that they could understand the disruptions caused to our ecosystems. Before the conclusion of this unit, the cohort took action by creating posters and other forms of signage information to showcase their knowledge gained in practical ways to support and educate those around them.
To conclude this unit students have been reflecting on their learning and achievements in our final Unit of Inquiry by using a graphic organiser, 4R’s to reflect and evaluate their own learning.
Christmas Carols
The Year Three teachers would like to congratulate all the students who were able to participate in their class Christmas Carols last week. Even with our backup plan, the class performances were a huge success. The smiles on our student's faces shined through as their fantastic moves (which were choreographed by their teacher) were exceptional to see.
Year 3 Reminders:
Tuesday 19th December:
Students' final day of school- 2:40pm finish time for the whole school from Prep-Year Eight.
Kind regards,
The Year Three Team