Year 1 Unit

It’s hard to believe that the 2023 school year is drawing to a close. We have had a busy year full of learning, excursions, concerts and sport – and it has been a delight watching the Year Ones master new skills, challenge themselves, establish friendships and grow into students ready to move on to their Year Two learning journey.
Last week the Year One classes shared the creative and imaginative inventions that students had designed and crafted, during their ‘Magnificent Things’ STEM unit this term. It was exciting for students to identify a need, consider materials and then persevere with the process of executing and sometimes adapting their designs.
There were Dog Poop collectors, Guinea Pig Feeders, Magic Wand holders and TV remote storage devices! Students also had to reflect on the success/challenges/improvements of their original designs – much like real life inventors and engineers must do. Most of the teachers were particularly keen to invest in the glasses/key finders!
Once completed students wrote a persuasive poster on why someone should use their invention and they had much fun sharing this in a small group with a class member from all JU classes. Students also enjoyed sharing their own favourite published narratives during this time.
On a final note - we are so proud of our Year One students. They have been a group full of energy, curiosity and humour, open to trying new things and a willingness to include their teachers in their lives both in and out of school - which makes teaching so much fun and so rewarding.
Finally, we would like to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. We wish you and your families a very safe and Merry Christmas and wonderful things in 2024. We have enjoyed our time with your children and wish them all the very best as they spread their wings further in their learning journey. Fly high Year Ones.
Year 1 Teachers
Danielle Dawes, Zoe Sutherland, Juliet Smith, Emma Beaumont