Senior Unit - 5/6

As we write the last Senior Newsletter contribution for 2023, it brings the Senior Unit teachers a great sense of pride. Upon reflection, the children have participated in a range of sporting activities, attended Canberra Camp and Funfields, and performed in the Australian concert. We are extremely pleased with their academic growth.
We could not be more delighted with their personal achievements and as we farewell our Year 6 students we welcome our current Year 5 students into their roles as the school leaders for 2024.
We look forward to celebrating the Year 6 Graduation tomorrow evening and joining in singing Christmas tunes next week.
We wish to thank you for your ongoing support throughout the year and wish you and your families a happy and healthy Christmas and New Year.
Year 5/6 Teachers
Nathan Spilsted, Andrea Evans, Jad Geer, Kat Richardson, Ashleigh Dodds