WPS Community Children’s Garden

Woodend Primary SWPS Community Children’s Garden
Last week our WPS Community Children’s Garden was visited by Health and local Minister, Mary-Anne Thomas, together with an entourage of photographers and others from Greater Western Water. They came to celebrate completion of our irrigation system for the Greater Western Water Thriving Communities Grant. Look out for articles showcasing our school in local papers and GWW communications in the future.
A large amount of effort was put into preparing for the ministerial visit. A huge THANK YOU to school dad Matty, who over the last couple of months has been helping garden club children install the irrigation system, arranged a donation of gravel from Fulton Hogan Quarry in Tylden and delivered this to the garden in his tip truck. Other shout outs of gratitude go to Bocca, Tarni, Lou and Cath. Thanks to all of your volunteer efforts, the garden looked fabulous for the professional photographers.
Free garden produce
If anyone is interested in helping look after the garden over the summer holidays, please send me an sms.
With our new irrigation system, watering the garden this summer will be automated, however, we still need help to check the watering system is working, do a bit of weeding and as reward for your efforts, pick the bounty of produce (particularly berries) that will be ready for harvesting.
If there is enough ripe produce, during the last week of term we will have a produce stall to raise funds for the garden. Keep an eye out for comms.
Volunteer Gardening Group Facilitator
Nicole Middleton - 0418 233 366