Community News

PFA News and Help Needed

Dear St Michael’s Families


What a great year this has been! Thank you to everyone who helped out throughout the year on one (or more) of our many events – from Welcomer Families before the school year even started, right through to those who manned the BBQ at the Carols on the Green this week.  Every bit of help, from small to large, has made each event happen and we are so grateful.  In particular a big shout out to our dedicated Class Reps, who throughout the whole year strive to keep everyone informed and connected.


Looking ahead to 2024, the PFA has a full calendar of events already mapped out, which you will find below.  Each of these events don’t just happen.  The Core PFA team is only 9 members and we cannot do everything.  So in 2024, we have delegated two regular events to each year level to run, one in each half of the year. Our thinking is, that often people don’t offer to take on an event for fear of being “stuck with it”, so making it a Year Level responsibility means you won’t.  If you are keen to be involved with any event, you are always welcome and of course, we will be there supporting the organisers, but we need help from the broader St Michael’s community to make all these events run.

There are also several other events during the year that we haven’t assigned, including our two major fundraising events for the parents.  If you are interested in running one of these, please just let us know on 


Most importantly, right now we are in desperate need of a volunteer committee to run the Ashburton Fair Cake Stall, which is on Sunday, February 25th, just three weeks into Term 1. If you are at all able to assist, please contact Therese Molnar on 0417.014.772. 


Finally, please consider joining the PFA in 2024. We only meet in person about twice a term and can arrange zoom facilities if necessary.  We have a lot of fun together making things happen, but would genuinely welcome new members.


Wishing you all a blessed Christmas – see you in 2024!


Emma, Jo, Laura, Liz, Maryanne, Monica, Rod, Therese and Trevor