
Physical Education, The Arts, STEAM, French

Physical Education

Two weeks ago all the students were treated to a hockey clinic by Knox Hockey Club. They learned how to hold the hockey stick correctly and dribble the ball with control. The older grades enjoyed passing the ball to their partner and playing a mini game.


Students from prep to grade 2 also continued to practise their hand eye coordination using a variety of equipment.

 If your child is interested in trialling hockey please contact Knox Hockey Club in Wantirna


Visual Arts

To finish off the year students in the Junior school have been having fun using their drawing skills to create some portraits of Christmas characters. Finishing off their drawings with wax crayons and watercolour paint, they have produced some wonderful pieces of work. Some of the year one's work is seen below.



What a terrific time we had on French Cultural Day! The students participated in four activities...

  • In the first one, they learned about the life and work of famous French author, Jules Verne. They made a chatter box filled with questions and answers about him. If you are interested in his life, you can watch the following video: 
  • In the second activity, they studied the plot of his most famous book, '20 000 Leagues Under the Sea' and found out that, unlike in the story, octopuses are not ferocious animals and are considered as extremely clever creatures. They did a fun experiment and watched a few short videos that demonstrated their intelligence.
  • In the third activity, they participated in a cooking Masterclass in the kitchen and enjoyed tasting delicious 'crème à la vanille et au chocolat'...  as well as chocolate soil! 
  • Finally, they learned how to play the elastics, a very popular game for French students.

Here are some photos of the day:



In prep, they have been finishing off their hats. Don't they look fantastic! We did a parade through the grades 3, 4 and 5/6 classes.



Grade 1 and 2 have been busy completing their final portfolio pieces of their redesign of something in the school environment. They have used critical thinking and creative skills through this activity. For early finishes, they did the straw bridge challenge.



The grade 3s have taken on a few end of the year challenges. They could design your own dream car, or build a bridge out of straws. I think we have some budding engineers in this group!


The grade 5/6 class are working hard on their STEAM portfolio pieces. They are now assessing each week's experiment and summing up what they have learned about chemical and physical changes. On Wednesday, they found out that the crime scene culprit was none other than Miss Walls - she obviously had fun in the STEAM room that day!