Senior School

Christmas Concert Tonight

We look forward to seeing everyone at the concert tonight. Students need to arrive at 5:15 for a 5:30 start. See you there.


It is an exciting time of year in the grade 4 classroom as not only are we putting the finishing touches to an extraordinary year of learning, the students are working hard to achieve their pen licences!


Handwriting is a complex skill that develops over time. To learn handwriting, children need to combine fine motor skills, language, memory and concentration. There is increasing evidence of a link between the fine motor skills required in handwriting, and the development of cognitive skills which lay the foundation for later academic success. 


When students write, they demonstrate better letter recognition skills which helps them to learn to read more quickly. If handwriting is automatic, students can concentrate on the content of what they are writing, instead of focusing on correct letter formation. This means they are better able to generate ideas and retain information. 


 During term 3, students identified their own individual handwriting goals, ranging from cursive handwriting to forming letters correctly, and consistenly placing them on the line. Some students even wrote their goals on their pencil cases or post it notes to serve as a reminder during writing activities!

In our weekly handwriting sessions, students had the oppportunity to focus and simply practise these important skills. It has been wonderful to see their increasing confidence. The hard work and dedication of several students to achieve their goals was rewarded as they were the first to receive the highly coverted pen licence! Well done Caleb, Jerry, Leela and Ava.



Congratulations to Mila, Indie, Emma, Charlotte, Advaith, Caleb, Olivia, Leela, Ava, Jasmine, Jack and Coco who achieved their goals this week.


Thank You

Thank you to all families for the wonderful support you have given to our school this year. We wish you a safe and joyous festive season and great break. We look forward to seeing you again in 2024.