Junior School

What a busy two weeks! Between a Colour Fun Run, a French Day, Christmas Concert Rehearsals, Prep Breakfast, End of Term shenanigans… the list goes on!

Prep Breakfast

The very first stage of the Weeden Heights Primary School Camping Program is the Prep Breakfast. On Friday 24 November, the Preps arrived early to school and enjoyed a lovely breakfast with each other and with Mrs. Michalski. Cereal, toast, yummy fruit platters and pancakes – there was something for everyone!


Letters to Santa

On Wednesday 6 December, the Junior School sent off some very special letters... our Letters to Santa! Students revised (and in some cases were introduced for the first time to) the structure of an epistolary text, which includes an address, the date, and a greeting amongst other features. Afterwards, students carefully considered all the ways they had tried (and succeeded!) to be good this year and picked only a few things to ask Santa for. Have a look at the dedication below!

Christmas Concert Rehearsals

Top Secret! No spoilers! 


But here is a sneak peek at the Grade 1 and Grade 2 Christmas Concert rehearsals.