Student Awards

Student of the Week

27 November 2023


For confidently sharing his knowledge about Australian coins and notes and their value. Amazing effort Eddy!



For demonstrating the school values of collaboration and helping others with their learning. Thank you for your kindness in the classroom!



For her well-organised notes and thorough notetaking on our class text. You have done a fantastic job, Gemma! 



For her research and correct structure of an information report on Nigeria. Well done Lenika!



For demonstrating improved active listening skills when working with a partner during writing activities. I am so proud of you Nithum!



For sharing her ideas in whole class discussions and clearly articulating her thinking. Keep it up, Aneesha!



For consistently making positive contributions to group discussions and asking relevant questions to further her knowledge.


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 5/6A

For using proper definite and indefinite pronouns (le, la, les, des) depending on the genders of the nouns. Well done Grade 5/6A!


PE Specialist Award PREP  ~

For enthusiastically participating in the hockey clinic and showing determination when learning the new skills.


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 4  ~

For working cooperatively together to test the weight of classroom objects. Well done!


STEAM Specialist Award PREP  ~

For their amazing hat designs - they all look wonderful!


Visual Arts Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S ~

For efficiently completing your geometric abstract sculptures. You created some very interesting structures.


Performing Arts Specialist Award YEAR 3

For working well together in small groups to create frozen pictures from Fairytales.


4 December 2023



For paying closer attention to number reversals when writing in Mathematics and counting by 10 effectively when starting from a non zero starting point.



For his attention to detail when creating the front cover to his brochure about Cairns. Beautiful work, Ken!



For demonstrating personal excellence while completing his assessment tasks after returning to school. You showed great determination, Krishna. 


ZARA   ~

For her insightful knowledge when creating a procedural text on how to wash a dog. Great work, Zara!



For demonstrating personal excellence by implementing self regulation strategies when facing challenging situations in the classroom. You are a superstar Caleb!



For accepting challenges and extending herself  in her learning. Keep it up, Raeya!



For taking time to edit his published writing and demonstrating wonderful general knowledge during inquiry learning sessions.


Language Specialist Award  YEAR 1

For memorising lots of pets names in French. Well done Year 1!! 


PE Specialist Award YEAR 2  ~

For completing the rotational activities co-operatively.


Mathematic Specialist Award YEAR 5/6s  ~

For interesting and imaginative constructions to hold a 1kg weight.


STEAM Specialist Award YEAR 5/6S  ~

For their effort to stay on task and complete their STEAM portfolio pieces.