School Advisory Council

School Advisory Council AGM 

School Advisory Council AGM Report 2023


The School Advisory Council (SAC) met eight times this year between March and November including the AGM. The forum provides essential connection, commitment and consensus to support St John’s Primary School and all of its students. 

School Advisory Councils are advisory bodies which form an important expression of the educational partnership that exists between parents, schools, parishes and the wider community, to support all students.  The School Advisory Council provides a forum for discussion and discernment, where parent voice and community perspective are available to influence and support the decisions made by the principal and parish priest for the good of school and parish where students’ wellbeing and outcomes are paramount. 

School Advisory Councils are not the governing body of a school, do not have decision-making authority and do not become involved in the day-to-day management of the school.   


Some of the topics and actions that were raised and discussed throughout the year include:

  • Induction of new members and completing team formation activities ensuring the Terms of Reference and Induction Manual were up-to-date
  • Leaders from the school Leadership Team came and presented some informative presentations on areas of Religious Education, Wellbeing, Literacy and Mathmatics
  • Community engagement opportunities throughout the year
  • The schools' Annual Action Plan
  • Communications to ensure families received information in a timely manner including social media tools and the new PAM online portal
  • Catholic identity and sacramental programs
  • Student leadership program feedback and improvements, including children who have not previously had the opportunity as a future leader
  • Introduction of Pam and Simon, online communication portal
  • Student behaviour expectations and school processes and policies
  • Sharing feedback and recognition from the wider school community
  • School maintenance and improvement
  • Marketing and promotion of our school for 2024 Prep enrolments and other year levels
  • Visits to local childcare and kindergartens increased
  • Enrolment trends across the community
  • 2024 school fees
  • Staff changes, professional learning and training
  • Child Safety is a standing agenda item discussed every meeting and we continued to promote awareness in child safety standards and practices
  • Student wellbeing was also a regular agenda item that drove a number of initiatives including communication around behaviour management processes and tools the school has in place.

Firstly, thank you to all SAC members for their valuable contributions to the discussions and activities of the council. They have all brought insight and experience into these discussions and we have valued their time and dedication.  It has been a big team effort!

We would also like to thank and acknowledge Trang Dang, Amy Prence and Yvonne Williams for their incredible contribution to the school and the School Advisory Council. We appreciate their time and commitment on the council.


Please consider joining the SAC next year as a Parent Representative.  Volunteering and representation is a win win win … for our school, our children and you.  You would be making an important contribution to our school’s strategic, educational, financial and spiritual development.


We are all looking forward to another successful, engaging and productive school year in 2024!


Nicole Whelan, on behalf of the School Advisory Council

School Advisory Council 2024

We are looking for some new members for the SAC in 2024. If you would like to know more about the role of the SAC and would be interested please let our Principal, Verona Gridley,


It is a very important part of the governance of the school and an opportunity to learn more about the running of the school and offer advice on various aspects of the school.

Gratitude Column

  • The SAC wishes to acknowledge and thank the phenomenal efforts of all the families who gave up their time and talents to make our 2023 Fete a great success. We would like to acknowledge in particular, those individuals and families who attended the Fete organising committee meetings and took on significant responsibilities for the organisation, coordination and running of various Fete stalls:  Kirsten Connelley, Emily Boyd, Emir Bajcic, Damien Smith, Dalton Family, Rohan Sutton, Julie Taualii and Jason Bowers.
  • The SAC would like to thank our School Principal, Verona Gridley and Deputy Principal Melinda Buscema for their tireless commitment, their sustained energy and significant contributions and oversight to provide excellent leadership to St John’s school over the past year.
  • Wishing everyone a joyous and enjoyable Christmas and a chance to rest and recharge over the holiday/festive season. We look forward to welcoming our new members to the SAC team to serve the St John’s school community in 2024.