Mini Vinnies and Changemakers

Market Day

Wednesday 29 November from 12.00pm - 1.30pm

Market Day

The Year P-2 and Year 5/6 students will be hosting a Market Day on

Wednesday, 29 November from 12.00pm - 1.30pm

Mini Vinnies Market - Year P-2

As part of this term's Inquiry/RE unit, the junior students in Prep - Year 2, have been learning about some of the key figures in our local Parish and the wider Church Community. Earlier this term Ross Handcock from St Vincent de Paul Society visited the school to talk to us about the work Vinnies does in our community. We were inspired by this visit and decided to hold a Mini Vinnies Market to raise funds to support the work of Ross and St Vincent de Paul Society.


For the past few weeks in Inquiry we have been using the design process to create different products to sell at the Mini Vinnies Market. There will be bird feeders, plants and pencil holdrers for sale. All the proceeds from the sales of our products will be donated to St Vincent de Paul Society.


The Mini Vinnies Market will be held at school on Wednesday 29 November from 12.00pm to 1.30pm alongside the Year 5/6 Changemaker Project. We ask that on this day students bring in some gold coins ($5 - $10) to school to purchase products at the market.


Tyler Boyd, Lisa Read and Nicole Webb

Donations for Changemakers Project - 5/6

As part of our Inquiry/RE unit to finish 2023, the Year 5/6 students are embarking on a changemaker project. The students have decided to support Backpacks 4 VIC Kids - a not for profit organisation that supports vulnerable children and children in crisis situations. This organisation supplies backpacks containing essential everyday items and personal gifts in times of crisis, such as family violence, natural disasters and personal crises. 


We are asking for your generous support in donating items that we can fill the backpacks with. 


We are focusing on FOUR types of backpacks:

My Essentials Backpack. (ME Backpack) for children between the ages of 0-13. 

  • Personal hygiene items (Individually wrapped toothbrushes)
  • Toiletries
  • Clothing
  • Sleepwear
  • Torches
  • Blankets
  • Toys (stuffed toy for example)
  • Activities (travel sized game or sporting item)

My Baby Essentials Nappy Bag:

  • Nappies
  • Bottles 
  • Dummies
  • Bibs
  • Sippy cups 
  • Baby wipes
  • Nappy bags 
  • Blankets
  • Baby Clothes (Sizes 0000-2)
  • Baby wash / soaps 
  • Nappy rash cream 

School Essentials Backpack. (Stationery items for the beginning of the school year)

  • Textas
  • Pencils
  • Pencil Case
  • Drink bottles 
  • Lunchbox 
  • Stationery pack 
  • Exercise books 

Christmas for Kids in Care Backpack

  • Age appropriate gifts (Ages 3-13)
  • Books
  • Travel size games (Games that fit into a backpack)
  • Stocking stuffers 
  • Chocolate Christmas stockings 
  • Colouring books
  • Pencils & textas
  • Craft activities 

We are so excited to be a part of this Community Changemakers Project, and we look forward to your support in making this happen. All donations can be dropped off at St John's school office. 


On Wednesday, 29 November from 12.00pm - 1.30pm, the Year 5/6 students will be conducting mini stalls to raise some extra money to purchase more items for these backpacks. We would love to invite you to all come along and support them in their changemaker project. We are very proud of all of their work.


If you would like any more information or would like to discuss how you could help us further, please contact one of the 5/6 team.

Thanks for your support!

Tracey Farrar 

Carmel Barro

Allison Bayliss

Anna Hendy